Life-Saving Rules - IOGP
In 2008-2017, 376 people lost their lives in fatal incidents that might have been prevented by following one of IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules. With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launched a …
Land transport safety - IOGP
Here, you can access information relevant to safely managing all forms of land transportation operations undertaken during E&P activities. Driving-related incidents have historically been …
IOGP - The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
IOGP: Pioneering excellence in safe, efficient, & sustainable energy supply – an enabling partner for a low-carbon future.
Home - IOGP Europe
2025年2月26日 · We are the European voice of the oil & gas industry. We work with policymakers to enable the deployment of our industry’s energy and carbon management solutions needed …
About us - IOGP
We are the global voice of our industry, pioneering excellence in safe, efficient, and sustainable energy supply – an enabling partner for a low carbon future.
WISCRS now included in international coordinate systems database
2015年12月11日 · The Wisconsin Coordinate Reference Systems (WISCRS) primarily used by cities and counties in the state are now included in the International Association of Oil & Gas …
Managing fatigue in the oil and gas industry | 2019-03-26 - ISHN
2019年3月26日 · The IPIECA – the global oil and gas industry association for advancing environmental and social performance - and the International Association of Oil and Gas …
Glossary - IOGP Europe
To support the industry and stakeholders in the use of consistent terminology, Ipieca, IOGP, GIE and MARCOGAZ prepared this methane emissions glossary covering the whole natural gas …
IOGP: Part of the Solution…’We mean it’ - energyvoice.com
When the oil and gas industry says that we’re part of the solution to the global need to transition to lower carbon energy sources, we mean it, and we evidence it with our actions. However, many...
Chevron VP Kim McHugh takes the helm at IOGP - Energy Voice
2022年11月29日 · Chevron vice president of wells, Kim McHugh, will head the board of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) as the influential industry body …