This report is focused to unintentionally encountered natural radioactivity (NORM) and is not meant for the management of intentionally applied ionizing radiation (e.g. X-ray devices, neutron generators) and artificial radioactivity (e.g. sealed sources, radiotracers).
Managing Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in ... - iogp…
IOGP Report 412 was devised to provide a framework for NORM identification and management. It has now been updated and continues to help oilfield professionals build an awareness of NORM, engage with regulators and specialist contractors, …
Standards | IOGP
IOGP has taken a very clear position on the development and use of international standards for the benefit of its members and industry alike (IOGP Report No. 381).
Guidelines for the Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive ...
2016年1月1日 · Determination of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials-norm (RA-226, RA-228) in synthetic flowback developed at laboratory scale from rocks of the la LUNA-1 well, colombia, and benchmarking...
NORM IN THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY A substance or material with a NOR-activity concentration exceeding 1 Bq/g, where the NOR should be a member of the 232Th- or 238U-decay series, may be defined as NORM.
Item 04 - 2016 NORM IOGP report 412 - Guidelines for the …
Home » Item 04 – 2016 NORM IOGP report 412 – Guidelines for the Management of NORM in the Oil and Gas Industry Item 04 – 2016 NORM IOGP report 412 – Guidelines for the Management of NORM in the Oil and Gas Industry
Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) …
2020年10月30日 · Member States experienced challenges in finding feasible and implementable approaches for the proper management of such naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) wastes and residues. This proceedings publication arises from the IAEA conference, NORM 2020, convened to address these issues.
NORM Management in the oil and gas industry - ScienceDirect
2012年10月1日 · Saudi Aramco has developed NORM management guidelines, and is implementing a comprehensive strategy to address all aspects of NORM management that aim to enhance NORM monitoring; control of NORM-contaminated equipment; control of NORM waste handling and disposal; and protection, awareness, and training of workers.
The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP
2009年8月4日 · This paper outlines major aspects of OGP NORM management guidelines and elaborates on key issues related to the management of NORM in the oil and gas industry, in particular on NORM monitoring, control of NORM contaminated equipment, managing NORM waste handling and disposal, and worker protection, awareness and training.
The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) updated its NORM Guidelines (OGP Report 412) (NORM Guidelines) in March 2016, providing another series of improved management practices for consideration by individual companies. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: www.api.org