Life-Saving Rules - IOGP
In 2008-2017, 376 people lost their lives in fatal incidents that might have been prevented by following one of IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules. With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launched a …
Life-Saving Rules tops IOGP download charts
2020年6月17日 · For the upstream oil and gas industry, IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules (LSR) are among the most effective. They are also the Association’s most frequently downloaded sets of …
Life-saving rules - IOGP Publications library
This report outlines a set of IOGP Life-Saving Rules which can be used in the oil & gas industry to mitigate risk and reduce fatalities. The Rules focus on modifying worker and supervisor …
With the revision of Report 459, IOGP launches a simplified set of Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and their …
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为了降低石油和天然气行业的风险并减少死亡人数,国际石油和天然气生产商协会 (IOGP) 于 2010 年推出了自己的一套保命规则,其中包括 18 个重点领域。 The International Association of …
国际石油和天然气生产商协会生命安全规则 IOGP Life-Saving Rules
2024年12月18日 · 文件目标:文件的核心目的是通过 九项生命安全规则(Life-Saving Rules),为石油和天然气行业的工作人员提供指导,帮助减少工作中的致命事故。 修订历史 …
About - Life-Saving Rules
In the last ten years 376 people lost their lives in incidents that might have been prevented by following one of IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules. The Rules are not a replacement for a …
In 2018, following rigorous data analysis, IOGP introduced a revised and simplified set of nine Life-Saving Rules to provide workers in our industry with the actions they can take to protect …
IOGP - The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
The IOGP Process Safety Fundamentals (PSFs) have been developed to support companies as they seek to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, fatal and high severity process safety events.
Supporting materials - Life-Saving Rules
With the revision of Report 459 - the Life-Saving Rules - IOGP launched a simplified set of Rules to provide workers in the industry with the actions they can take to protect themselves and …