Specification for Control Valves Page 7 of 50 IOGP S-729 May 2022 1 Scope 1.1 This specification defines the requirements for the design, sizing and selection, materials, inspection and testing, marking, preparation for shipment and …
S-562 - Ball Valves to API Spec 6D | IOGP Publications library
The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of supplementary requirements for the specification for procurement of trunnion mounted ball valves (only) to API Specification 6D Twenty-Fourth Edition, 2014 (including Addendum 1 March 2015, Addendum 2, June 2016 and Errata 9, March 2017), Specification for Pipeline and ...
S-729 - Control Valves - IOGP Publications library
The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of requirements for the procurement of control valves for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries. This is available to download as a compendium or individually below:
Standards - IOGP
S-611 “Valve – Gate to API Spec 600 and API Spec 603″, alongside the others published to date, is available on the programme’s newly refreshed website – www.iogp-jip33.org for all to download and use on their projects
IOGP S-611L: Information requirements (IRS) for Steel and CRA Gate Valves This document defines the information requirements, including format, timing and purpose, for information to be provided by the manufacturer. It also defines the specific conditions which must be met for conditional information requirements to become mandatory. The
IOGP S-562: Supplementary requirements to API Specification 6D for Pipeline and Piping Valves This specification is written as an overlay to API 6D, following the section structure of the parent standard, to assist in crossreferencing the requirements.
阀门API 6D与IOGP S-562相关条款浅析 - 阀门帮助 - 阀门应用 - 新 …
2023年10月23日 · iogp是国际石油和天然气生产协会,由于阀门标准众多,全球油气行业面临标准不一致,最终用户之间的油气阀门无法标准化通用,在2019年1月,iogp正式发布了s-562 3.0版。
S-563 – Piping & Valve Components - IOGP Publications library
This specification is a collection of material data sheets (MDSs) and element data sheets (EDSs) for the most commonly used components for piping systems and valves for Normal fluid service, Category D fluid service and High Pressure fluid service as defined in ASME B31.3.
IOGP S-562-2019对API规范6D球阀的补充要求(中英文)
2021年12月1日 · IOGP-S-562 Supplementary Requirements to API Spec 6D Ball Valves 星级: 98 页 MESC SPE 77-130-2018《球阀-API 6D修订案补充件》(中文) 星级: 24 页 Q/HZYS02-2018 API 6D管线球阀产品设计规范 星级 ...
the supply of ball valves in accordance with IOGP S-562 Supplementary Requirements to API Specification 6D Ball Valves for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries. The QRS includes a conformity assessment system (CAS) which specifies standardized user interventions