伊科诺斯卫星 - 百度百科
伊科诺斯卫星(Ikonos),是一颗商业对地观测卫星,并且是世界上第一颗分辨率优于1m的商业遥感卫星,可提供多光谱(MS)和全色(PAN)图像。 Ikonos卫星 的发射被称为“空间时代历 …
IKONOS卫星 - 百度百科
IKONOS卫星又称“伊科诺斯卫星”(Ikonos),是一颗商业对地观测卫星,并且是世界上第一颗分辨率优于1m的商业遥感卫星,可提供多光谱(MS)和全色(PAN)图像。 IKONOS卫星的发 …
80%留学生看不懂!Ibid. and op. cit. 高冷范儿的论文引用
2017年10月29日 · Ibid. (abbreviation for the Latin Ibidem, meaning "The same"). Refers to the same author and source (e.g., book, journal) in the immediately preceding reference. op. cit. …
Ibid. or Op. Cit.? Latin Terms in Academic Referencing - Proofed
2018年7月16日 · One widely used Latin term in academic referencing is “ibid.” This is short for ibidem, which means “in the same place.” It is therefore used for repeat citations: 1. Danielle …
IKONOS ESA archive - Earth Online - European Space Agency
ESA maintains an archive of IKONOS Geo Ortho Kit data previously requested through the TPM scheme and acquired between 2000 and 2008, over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
“Hsiao Tso-liang, op. cit., pp. 293-94”怎么翻译? - 知乎
2013年8月23日 · Op cit. is an abbreviation of the latin pharse opere citato, meaning "in the work cited". It is used in an endnote or footnote to refer the reader to a previously cited work, …
伊科诺斯1号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京 …
伊科诺斯1号 (Ikonos 1)是美国的遥感卫星。
GitHub - Iron-LYK/CIT
To this end, in this paper, we propose a Cascaded Iterative Transformer (CIT) to jointly predict facial landmark, occlusion probability, and pose. The proposed CIT, besides implicitly mining …
伊科诺斯卫星图像:第一个商业太空成像 开源地理空间基金会中文 …
2019年9月22日 · 伊科诺斯(希腊代表图像)是第一批向公众提供图像服务的商业卫星之一。 2000年,这是一次大升级,蓝色、绿色、红色和近红外(NIR)分辨率为4米。 此外,它还收 …
IKONOS stereo imagery is particularly well suited for 3-D feature extraction. The sophisticated geometric and radiometric characteristics of the IKONOS sensor provide the end user with...