IOR / Index of Refraction List - Pixel and Poly
Index of Refraction IOR values - For use with 3d modeling / rendering and animation applications
数百种常见材质的折射率值(IOR - Index of Refraction)备忘查询表
在过去的几年里,大佬一直在收集能找到的,用于 3d 渲染应用程序的 IOR (折射率)值,许多 3d 应用程序支持输入实际 IOR 值,以便在渲染 3d 模型时获得更精确的效果。 如果您知道要了解正确 IOR 值是什么,那么这显然是有帮助的。 那么支持的常用 3D 程序如下,如 NewTek Lightwave 3d、Blender 3d、Autodesk 3DS Max、Autodesk Maya、Autodesk Softimage、Maxon Cinema 4D、Next Limit Maxwell、Foundry Modo 和 Strata 3d。 请不要认为这是一个科学准确的清单 …
IOR List for PBR Materials - Blendersauce
2017年11月3日 · To create realistic PBR Materials for use in 3D Applications you will need the right Fresnel or IOR Factor in order to achieve a more accurate representation of a surface material. These values are are used in many 3D applications …
Physically Based - The PBR values database
2025年1月4日 · Snow: 0.850 0.850 0.850: 1.310-Soap Bubble. The colors of a soap bubble are the result of an interaction between the light reflected from the front and back surfaces of the soap film, a phenomenon known as thin-film interference. The thickness of a soap bubble can range between 10 nm and 1000 nm. It's thinner at the top due to gravity.
只需五步就可以在maya中创建真实的雪材质Arnold - 哔哩哔哩
coat IOR = 1.3 这里使用了高频率的noise置换,调整了范围,以更好的mask在arnold shader上的coat层,所以只有最高的峰值接收额外的次级高光层。 置换的材质是设置只添加轻微数量的表面变形到现有的形状,使材质更容易应用到一个实例应或多个几何以达到真实可性的 ...
Maya | Snow材质效果 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年3月10日 · 本文将在Maya中实现一个Snow材质效果的制作方法。 创建一个aistandsurface材质。 加入两盏 平行光,并渲染。 连接一个displacementShader。 连接一个Fractal节点到displacementShader上,并给Displacement一个数值(这里为0.2)。 找到subdivison下,把Type改成catclark。 并将Iterations设大一点(这里为4)。 适当的调整Fractal属性上的Amplitude,Ratio和Frequency Ratio等参数。 以配合Displacement的效果。 第一 …
Vray Snow Material | Nick Bounds
Vray FastSSS2 (subsurface scattering) is a material that can give you the ability to control how much light passes through an object; whether that's Skin, Juice, Water or in this case Snow. Lets get started!
Snow PBR Texture - cgaxis.com
Snow PBR Texture with maps: basecolor/diffuse, glossiness, height (TIFF), IOR, metallic, normal (DirectX), normal (OpenGL), reflection, roughness and specular. Resolution: 8192x8192px and 4096x4096px. This PBR texture also includes material presets for 3ds max + V-Ray, Blender, SBSAR, Unreal Engine (4K) and Unity (HDRP). Real Size: 200 x 200 cm
IOR List | Pixel&Poly
We are happy to show with you a good site to know exactly the IOR of many common materials. This site is useful for 3d modeling / rendering and animation
Creating the ice and snow materials - packtpub.com
2013年12月24日 · We will create the ice and the snow using a single material, and mix them using a new technique. Select the iceberg mesh and add a new material to it. How to do it...