David Badre - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
SA Bunge, C Wendelken, D Badre, AD Wagner. Cerebral cortex 15 (3), 239-249, 2005. 515: 2005: Frontal cortex and the discovery of abstract action rules. D Badre, AS Kayser, M D'Esposito. Neuron 66 (2), 315-326, 2010. 421: 2010: Mechanisms of hierarchical reinforcement learning in corticostriatal circuits 1: computational analysis.
David Badre | Cognitive and Psychological Sciences | Brown …
His lab at Brown focuses on the cognitive neuroscience of memory and cognitive control with an emphasis on frontal lobe function and organization. Dr. Badre serves on the editorial boards of Psychological Science, Cognitive Science, and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Badre, David - Brown University
Prof. Badre's research focuses on the cognitive neuroscience of cognitive control, which concerns how the brain translates goals and plans into concrete behaviors. His research is supported by the NIH and through the Office of Naval Research.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Ph.D. Cognitive Science, Concentration in Cognitive Neuroscience Dissertation: Controlling memory and resolving interference: Prefrontal contributions to flexible behavior. Advisor: Anthony D. Wagner. 4. PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 2022 – 2025 Department Chair Brown University. 5. Badre, D.
Lab Members - The Badre Lab
In the Badre lab, my research includes studying (1) novel task learning, including how working memory constraints, such as constraints on gating operations, may shape learning, and (2) the neural dynamics involved in transitioning between tasks.
Publications - The Badre Lab
Badre, D., Bhandari, A., Keglovits, H., and Kikumoto, A. (2021). The dimensionality of neural representations for control . Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences .
The Cognitive Neuroscience of Cognitive Control and Memory - The Badre Lab
We study the neural systems supporting the cognitive control of memory and action. The lab employs cognitive neuroscience methods including behavioral testing, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), EEG, and computational modeling.
David Badre | Neuroscience Graduate Program | Brown University
David Badre. Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences [email protected] Research Profile. Lab Website. Neuroscience Graduate Program Neuroscience Graduate Program Brown University Box GL-N 185 Meeting Street …
David Badre's research works | Brown University, Rhode Island and …
David Badre's 117 research works with 10,152 citations and 10,866 reads, including: Policy Abstraction as a Predictor of Cognitive Effort Avoidance
认知控制 - 豆瓣读书
2022年5月26日 · 戴维·巴德(David Badre) 布朗大学认知学、语言学和心理学教授,卡尼脑科学研究所的成员。 他对认知控制和执行功能的神经科学做出了开创性的贡献。