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The worlds largest non-commercial photo, video and blog sharing community - financed only by membership dues, without any intention of making a profit.
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• Ipernity is probably the largest online photo club in the world, non-commercial and independent • Our club has more than 3,500 registered members • Our club is administered voluntarily by elected members
ipernity: communauté de partage de photos ipernity
B ienvenue sur ipernity, probablement le plus grand club photo en ligne non commercial du monde
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The worlds largest non-commercial photo, video and blog sharing community - financed only by membership dues, without any intention of making a profit.
ipernity: Marble Statue of a Youthful Herakles in the Metropolitan ...
Marble statue of a youthful Hercules Roman, Flavian period, 68-98 AD Restorations made during the early 17th century: head and neck, right arm below the shoulder, left arm and shoulder, right leg below the knee, left leg, tree trunk, club, and plinth. Accession # …
ipernity: Plan of the House of the Vestal Virgins in the Forum …
Atrium Vestae: the house of the Vestal Virgins at the foot of the Palatine, just east of the forum proper. By the end of the republic this term had come to mean their dwelling-house, in which sense it is ordinarily used in extant literature (Fest. 333; Gell. I.12.9; Plin. Ep. VII.19.2; Prud. Perist
The New York Kouros at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nov.
Kouros Marble, Greek, Attic, ca. 590-580 B.C. Fletcher Fund, 1932 (32.11.1) Judy and Michael H. Steinhardt Gallery The kouros was carved in the early sixth century B.C., and is one of the earliest free-standing marble statues from Attica, the region …
ipernity: National Express coaches 1970s by David Slater …
Saturday 27 May 1973 - By now the National white coach livery was also appearing on Southdown coaches. 1231 (LCD 231F), a Plaxton Panorama bodied Leyland Leopard new in 1968, stands in the morning sunshine on the Rochdale Corporation Transport parking ground before working the day south service back home to Portsmouth and Southsea.