IPPG - Imex Pan Pacific Group
IPPG is the only conglomerate in Vietnam that operates in 6 different industries, in which luxury retail is our core business as we exclusively distribute international golden and silver brands as Salvatore Ferragamo, Burberry, Nike…; we do franchise, on the other hand, popular fast-food chains as Domino's Pizza, Popeyes, Burger King, Dunkin ...
基于PPG&iPPG的心率检测原理 - CSDN博客
2020年10月30日 · 光电容积脉搏波描记法 所使用的PPG技术是指利用光学心率传感器,通过传感器上的发光 LED发射特定颜色波长 的光入射进人体特定部位的表皮皮肤,再根据 光敏传感器接收 对应的反射光或入射光来达到检测脉搏信号的目的。 根据接收光的方式可分为: 1. 反射式 光电心率传感器. 2. 透射式 光电心率传感器. 根据入射光线颜色可分为: 1. 绿色 光源. 2. 红色 光源. 3. 红外 光源. 以及在同一块传感器上布置不同颜色的光源用以采集不同的生理信号。
About IPPG - Imex Pan Pacific Group
IPPG is the pioneer of Vietnam's Luxury Retail; we continuously develop over the years and achieve the market role as one of the leading retailers in Vietnam, occupying 70% Vietnam's Luxury market which includes our 100 prestigious international brands under our portfolio.
【QQ3935228082,可洽谈相关课题项目合作事项】非接触式的视频脉搏波提取技术被称作图像光电容积脉搏波描记法**(image Photoplethysmography ,iPPG)。 具体为从人面部或者指尖等皮肤区域提取由于心脏跳动引起的颜色变化信号**BVP(Blood Volume Pulse,血液容积脉搏波)。
Using imaging Photoplethysmography (iPPG) Signal for Blood …
Using imaging Photoplethysmography (iPPG) Signal for Blood Pressure Estimation Abstract: Blood Pressure (BP) is one of the most important vital signs of the human body, which its value provides valuable physiological information about cardiac function for physicians.
Real-time respiratory rate estimation using imaging ...
Imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG) has emerged as a contactless heart-rate monitoring technique. As the respiratory activity modulates the heart rate, we investigate the accuracy of iPPG in conveying the inter-beat variation due to the respiratory modulation of the heart rate.
MR-NIRP Car Dataset|驾驶员监控数据集|心率监测数据集
2024年11月1日 · MR-NIRP Car数据集在汽车领域中被广泛用于评估基于深度学习的成像光电容积描记法(iPPG)技术,特别是在驾驶员心率监测方面。 该数据集通过记录驾驶员在驾驶和静止状态下的面部视频,结合近红外(NIR)摄像技术,提供了丰富的数据资源。
IPPG - Tập đoàn Liên Thái Bình Dương
IPPG là một trong những tập đoàn kinh doanh đa lĩnh vực hàng đầu Việt Nam, là nhà phân phối của những thương hiệu hàng đầu Thế giới: Salvatore Ferragamo, Burberry, Nike... và các thương hiệu thức ăn nhanh nổi tiếng: Domino's Pizza, Popeyes, Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts.
Home || International Piping & Procurement Group
IPPG is a distributor with a staff of professionals contributing extensive experience in the pipe, valve, and butt weld fitting industry. Our global network of distribution allows us the ability to …
International Porter Protection Group (IPPG)
The International Porter Protection Group (IPPG) was formed to prevent these recurring tragedies. IPPG’s aim is for every porter to have: Access to adequate clothing, boots, shelter and food (appropriate to the altitude and weather) Medical care when ill or injured; Insurance
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