WV-S1136A | i-PRO Products
In order to help create a safer and more peaceful world, i-PRO supports the work of professionals who protect and save lives.
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IPRO的理想是科技与生活和谐发展,通过“1+N”的软硬件生态,创造万物互联的生活方式。 通过持续建设以移动智能终端产业为核心,辐射扩展至手机周边配件产品和3C数码产品的全景生态链。 在全球移动终端市场,中国手机品牌保持着国际领先地位,作为其中之一的IPRO,深耕海外市场十余年,不断书写耀眼佳绩。 对很多家长来说,没有因孩子沉迷玩手机而生气,或许便是美好的一天。 孩子沉迷手机不能自拔,如今已成为亲子间摩擦冲突的一大诱因。 许多家长都遇到同一个 …
i-PRO Remo. Service ユーザーマニュアル - i-PRO サポートポータル
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WV-S2136 | i-PRO Products
WV-S2136 has onboard AI functionality. AI-based high precision analysis helps surveillance operations and crime prevention. operations more efficiently, whereas these operations previously required dedicated manpower. scenes to save bandwidth at 50%* lower than existing cameras while maintaining image quality.
SICAM SCC - 全球电子商务 - Siemens China
2025年3月1日 · SICAM SCC is tailored to be used in energy applications supporting operators with the task of optimizing system management.
RATIONAL iCombi Pro Electric 6 Tray 1/1GN iPro 6-1/1E
Intelligent, connectable cooking system with the cooking methods roasting, cooking, baking and grilling.
IPRO手机_IPRO学生手机__IPRO自律手机_防沉迷手机「IPRO P100」-IPRO …
手机搭载6.21英寸广色域全高清屏幕,分辨率为2248×1080像素,色域覆盖NTSC90%,通过SGS低蓝光认证,可一定程度延缓屏幕蓝光导致的用眼疲劳。 11. 家长端可在“i自律-护眼模式-时间约定”设置手机使用20~60分钟后,必须休息2~6分钟。 12. 手机通过陀螺仪传感器和前置摄像头识别不良姿势,受环境光线影响,个别昏暗环境下可能会因较长的识别时间而延后提醒。 13. 在过暗或过亮环境下,手机会弹窗提醒,引导在正确的环境下使用。 14.
WV-X1551LN | i-PRO Products
There are 3 AI functions available through the camera: detecting suspicious changes in captured scenes, optimizing the image settings of the camera (based on captured scene analysis) for better image usability, and optimizing video compression through captured scenes to save bandwidth at 50%* lower than existing cameras while maintaining image q...
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