International Patient Safety Goals - Joint Commission International
International Patient Safety Goals (IPSGs) help accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in some of the most problematic areas of patient safety. Identify patients correctly. Improve effective communication. Improve the safety of medications. Ensure safe surgery. Reduce the risk of health care-associated infections.
6 IPSG - International Patient Safety Goals - The Discreet …
2021年9月17日 · This IPSG was developed by the JCI as an extension to the WHO Essential Medicines List (EML). It includes a set of five goals with six objectives that provide guidelines for healthcare providers and stakeholders on how to improve the safety of high-alert drugs.
International Patient Safety Goals - Wikipedia
The International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG) were developed in 2006 by the Joint Commission International (JCI). The goals were adapted from the JCAHO 's National Patient Safety Goals. [1] Compliance with IPSG has been monitored in JCI-accredited hospitals since January 2006. [1] .
IPSG.3:すべてのハイアラート薬にラベルを張り、特定の 保管方法で扱うという方針が4月9日から開始されている (“4か月ルール”を満たさない) ACC.5:移送患者でのQuality Indicator(タイミング、移送 側受け取り側の職員満足度、患者満足度)測定が4月5日
This chapter addresses the International Patient Safety Goals (IPSG), as required for implementation as of 1 July 2012 in all long term care organizations accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) under the International Standards for Long Term Care.
The Targeted Solutions Tool® (TST®) can help JCI-accredited organizations meet IPSG requirements. International Patient Safety Goals vary by setting. Targeted Solutions Tools are not applicable for every IPSG. Visit jointcommissioninternational.org for details.
第6版JCI来了,IPSG新标准,你需要知道的都在这里 - 搜狐
2017年10月26日 · 暨南大学附属广州复大肿瘤医院jci办公室副主任吴文媛说:“第六版jci标准涵盖311个标准、1274个测量要素。 14个章节里最重要的IPSG(国际患者安全目标)章节如有任何一条测量要素不符合要求,评审都不会通过。
IPSG.1, ME 1 states “patients are identified using two patient identifiers, not including the use of the patient’s room number and location in the hospital.” Therefore, only two identifiers are required by JCI, unless the hospital policy
JCI评审标准国际患者安全目标的解读 - 搜狐
2016年8月16日 · 国际医院联合委员会评审标准(简称jci 标准),是一种评价医疗机构质量与管理的国际标准,亦是 who 国际患者安全的解决方案。 浙江省余姚市人民医院从 2014 年启动 JCI 认证之路,严格按照 JCI (第五版)标准的“患者安全与质量持续改进”理念推动各章节的 ...
复大讲台 | 第6版JCI来了,IPSG新标准,你需要知道的都在这里
究竟什么是jci,新标准又有哪些不同?暨南大学附属广州复大肿瘤医院jci办公室副主任吴文媛就jci中ipsg(国际患者安全目标)章节的更新给出了回答和说明。 什么是jci认证?