Discover VEEV ONE, the compact and easy-to-use pod system, and VEEV NOW disposable vapes, designed for quality vaping moments.
Veev - Wikipedia
Veev (stylised as VEEV) is a brand of electronic cigarettes (e-vapor products) manufactured by Philip Morris International (PMI). The Veev originated as an element of the broader Iqos portfolio, under the name Mesh. The reworked product under …
IQOS VEEV Preview: A High-Tech Vape with Bluetooth Connectivity …
2020年11月3日 · If you are looking for a pod system to help you quit smoking with some high-tech features, the IQOS VEEV just might be the one for you. It functions like a standard pod vape, but it also has the ability to sync up to your phone and provide access to some advanced features you won’t find on most devices out there—like haptic feedback, dry ...
菲莫国际推出新款智能雾化产品IQOS VEEV - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在成功推出IQOS加热不燃烧几代产品后,又相继推出了他们的一款具有蓝牙连接功能的高科技电子烟——IQOS VEEV ! IQOS VEEV是由PMI新出的一款电子烟POD产品。 它是IQOS Mesh的后续产品。 Mesh的的优点就是它的调味型,但仍有一些改进空间。 希望他们在设计VEEV时有考虑到这些。 该设备与AC适配器和Pod分开出售。 现在,让我们在设计,特性和功能方面进一步了解一下IQOS VEEV。 VEEV由单一的铝片制成,外观给人感觉很轻,实际上比Mesh结构更加结 …
Kúp si elektronické cigarety VEEV ONE | IQOS SK
Objav elektronickú cigaretu VEEV ONE od IQOS, ktorú je možné opakovane použiť vďaka VEEV ONE vymeniteľným náplniam s e-liquidom. V našej ponuke je to najlepšia elektronická cigareta pre dospelých užívateľov, ktorí chcú skúšať rôzne príchute.
菲莫国际推出新款智能雾化产品IQOS VEEV - 网易
2021年11月26日 · 在成功推出IQOS加热不燃烧几代产品后,又相继推出了他们的一款具有蓝牙连接功能的高科技电子烟——IQOS VEEV ! IQOS VEEV是由PMI新出的一款电子烟POD产品。 它是IQOS Mesh的后续产品。 Mesh的的优点就是它的调味型,但仍有一些改进空间。 希望他们在设计VEEV时有考虑到这些。 该设备与AC适配器和Pod分开出售。 现在,让我们在设计,特性和功能方面进一步了解一下IQOS VEEV。 VEEV由单一的铝片制成,外观给人感觉很轻,实际上 …
VEEV ONE is a potentially better alternative to cigarettes. It offers a full experience without tar*, without cigarette smoke and without smell. It features a mini ceramic heating technology that delivers consistent taste and a low e-liquid detection system designed to prevent burnt taste.
IQOS VEEV: The result of science made right
2022年5月9日 · Built through a fully automated process for reliability, IQOS VEEV MESH™ heating technology maximises the contact between the heater and liquid to control temperature – and to deliver taste consistency every time – unlike wick and coil e-cigarettes.
Discover VEEV ONE: Our New Pod Vape | IQOS UK
VEEV ONE is our new pod based system. The device is rechargeable and uses replaceable pods that are pre-filled with e-liquid. VEEV ONE features a compact ceramic heater and low liquid detection system. The device body is moulded from a single block of aluminium.
iqos veev працює з одноразовими подами veev, тому його не потрібно заправляти і доливати рідину. IQOS VEEV має вбудовану систему контролю рівня рідини, що забезпечує захист від сухих та горілих затяжок.
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