Filing employment information by paper - Inland Revenue
You can choose to file by paper if your total annual PAYE and ESCT is less than $50,000 combined. We will send you Employment information - IR348 and New employee detail - IR346 forms every month. If you have more employees than the number of rows on the form, you can also send us an Employment information - IR349.
Form IR348 Employer Schedule - New Zealand - TemplateRoller
2018年3月1日 · Form IR348 is a New Zealand Inland Revenue Department form also known as the "Employer Schedule" . The latest edition of the form was released in March 1, 2018 and is available for digital filing. Download a PDF version of the Form IR348 down below or find it on New Zealand Inland Revenue Department Forms website.
- 评论数: 37
带你了解发薪日申报(Payday filing) | 新西兰PAS会计行
采用Payday Filing之后,雇主不再需要填制Employer monthly schedule (“EMS” or IR348) 还有IR345,而是需要向税务局填写雇员信息,包括以下这些信息:
Employment Information | Premium Accounting Solution
The IRD will send you Employment information – IR348 and New employee detail – IR346 forms every month. You must file an employment information form every time you pay your employees. This is based on the date you pay employees (pay day) and may be weekly, fortnightly, monthly or more often if you have multiple paydays.
雇佣信息表 | Premium Accounting Solution
每次给雇员付款时,您都必须提交一份IR348。 这基于您支付员工的日期(发薪日),并且可能是每周、每两周、每月一次,如果您有多个发薪日,则可能会更频繁。
人工报税变化需了解,4月1日开始最低工资将调整 - 找出国劳务打 …
更改提交表格IR348的时间及次数(Employermonthlyschedule) ·最主要的变化是从每个月在网上提交IR348给税务局,改成在每次给员工支付工资后的两个工作日内提交
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IR348 Filing – ZonePayroll Knowledge Base
The IR348 is the Employer Monthly Schedule (EMS). As the names suggests, this schedule is filed monthly. The due dates for the EMS vary depending on the size of the employer. the 15th of January if December was the month PAYE was deducted. …
IR348 report's monthly and annual totals do not match each other …
The IR348 ("Employer Monthly Schedule" or EMS) is a report that New Zealand employers must provide to the Inland Revenue each calendar month (and lists each employee's Gross Pay and tax details). This report has "From" and "To" date fields, and summarises figures from all pays with "Physical Pay Dates" within the selected date range.
Employer 1 Employment Information - Inland Revenue ... / /Date