SCP-3008 - SCP Foundation
2023年11月20日 · SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling the inside of an IKEA furniture store, extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of …
SCP-3008 - SCP基金会
SCP-3008-1是一外观类似宜家家具店内部的空间,延伸范围远超出了原零售单位所能容纳的物理极限。 当前测量表明该区域至少有10平方公里,并且在任意方向均没有检测到可见的内外边界。
SCP-3008-1是一外观类似宜家家具店内部的空间,延伸范围远超出了原零售单位所能容纳的物理极限。 当前测量表明该区域至少有10平方公里,在任意方向均没有可见内部终端。
SCP-3008 ''Infinite Ikea'' | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling the inside of an IKEA furniture store, extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of the retail unit. Current measurements indicate an area of at least 10km2 with no …
SPC-3008 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月11日 · Description: SPC-3008 is a selachian plush toy sold by IKEA. The item is one meter in length and possesses a full set of felt teeth. SPC-3008 has many features common …
Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts - SCP Database Wiki
The Islamic Artifact Reclamation Directorate (IARD), commonly referred to as the Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts and formerly known as the Organization for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA), is an Iranian paramilitary organization and the primary anomalous organization in Iran due to the expulsion and execution of numer...
SCP-3008 - Trapped in IKEA - YouTube
SCP-3008 is SCP Foundation Euclid Object. Today, SCP Explained - Story & Animation is bringing you SCP-3008 animated tale. ...more
SCP-3008 The Infinite IKEA (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP-3008, also known as A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA, is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling...
SCP-3008-1 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
SCP-3008-1 ("A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA"), nicknamed the Infinite IKEA, is a seemingly endless pocket dimension resembling the interior of an IKEA furniture store accessed from SCP-3008. It is unknown if it is truly infinite, but it …
SCP-3008 - Trapped in IKEA (SCP Animation & Story)
SCP-3008 is SCP Foundation Euclid Object. Today, SCP Explained - Story & Animation is bringing you SCP-3008 animated tale. SCP 3008 is an anomaly also known as Infinite Ikea.