Iridoid - Wikipedia
Iridoids are a type of monoterpenoids in the general form of cyclopentanopyran, found in a wide variety of plants and some animals. They are biosynthetically derived from 8-oxogeranial. [1] Iridoids are typically found in plants as glycosides, most often bound to glucose.
环烯醚萜 - 百度百科
环烯醚萜是一类有机物,属于单萜,具有易溶于水、甲醇,可溶于乙醇、丙酮和正丁醇,难溶于氯仿、乙醚、苯等亲脂性有机溶剂的性质。 在植物中通常与糖形成环烯醚萜苷,大部分为葡萄糖。 烯醚萜苷和裂环烯醚萜苷为白色结晶体或无定形粉末,多具旋光性、吸湿性,味苦。
Anti-Inflammatory Iridoids of Botanical Origin - PMC
Research has confirmed that iridoids exhibit promising anti-inflammatory activity which may be beneficial in the treatment of inflammation. Iridoids are secondary metabolites present in various plants, especially in species belonging to the Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae, Loganiaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Verbenaceae families.
Iridoids: Research Advances in Their Phytochemistry, Biological ...
2020年1月10日 · This review summarizes the new structures and activities of iridoids identified locally and globally, and explains their pharmacokinetics from the aspects of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion according to the differences in their structures, thus providing a theoretical basis for further rational development and utilization of ...
指分子中含有5 元环与7元环碳骨架骈合的一类特殊结构的天然萜类化合物。 ☞ 此类成分在愈创木油、 香附子油、桉叶油等挥发油中均有存在。 ☞ 多具有抑菌、 抗肿瘤、 杀虫等活性。 48. 1 薁类存在于植物挥发油的高沸点部分。 沸点一般在250~300°C 左右。 ★ 多呈兰色。 ☞ 在挥发油分级分馏时,高沸点馏分中有时见到美丽的兰色、 紫色、 绿色、 红色等馏分,则属于薁类化合物。 [J]....
Iridoids: Research Advances in Their Phytochemistry, Biological ...
Iridoids, a large and still expanding class of cyclopentane pyran monoterpenes, are composed of two basic carbon frameworks, substituted iridoids, and secoiridoids. They are more prevalent in the kingdom Plantae, especially in the dicotyledonous plants from Scrophulariaceae, Pyrolaceae, Oleaceae, Labiatae, Rubiaceae, and Gentianaceae [1, 2].
Monoterpenes: Iridoids - SpringerLink
2013年1月1日 · Iridoids represent a special and interesting class of cyclopentan [c] pyran monoterpenoids. The name “iridoid” is a generic term derived from the names of compounds iridomyrmecin, iridolactone, and iridodial, which were isolated from the defense secretion of the species of Iridomyrmex, a genus of ants.
环烯醚萜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
环烯醚萜(英語: Iridoid)是一大类 单萜 物质,由一个五元环和六元环构成,常见于许多动物与植物体内。 其 生物合成 通常起始于 10-氧香叶醛 [1] 。 在植物体内通常与 葡萄糖 结合成 糖苷 的形式存在。 ^ Gene discovery in the biosynthesis of medicinal alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus. [2017-09-19]. (原始内容 存档 于2018-05-20).
Iridoids: Research Advances in Their Phytochemistry, Biological ...
2020年1月10日 · Iridoid compounds have been confirmed to mainly exist as the prototype and aglycone and Ι and II metabolites, by biological transformation. These metabolites have been shown to have...
Biological and pharmacological activities of iridoids: recent ...
Iridoids represent a large group of cyclopenta [c]pyran monoterpenoids that occur wide-spread in nature, mainly in dicotyledonous plant families like Apocynaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Diervillaceae, Lamiaceae, Loganiaceae and Rubiaceae.