Iris - Mythopedia
2023年3月8日 · Iris was imagined as a beautiful goddess. Though some traditions assigned her a consort and children, others described her as a virgin. But perhaps the most important of Iris’ attributes was her speed. She had golden wings on which she flew through the air. Iris was a helper goddess, useful not only to the other gods but also to mortals.
Isis – Mythopedia
2022年12月8日 · Having escaped Set’s grasp, Isis set out for the floating island of Pe, where the goddess Wadjet (also known as Uazet or Wadjyt) resided. Upon arriving at this safe haven, Isis cut the island’s moorings and set it adrift. The Greek historian Herodotus (circa 484-425BCE) not only knew of this legend, but reportedly visited the island as well.
Styx – Mythopedia
2023年2月7日 · As a goddess, Styx can be imagined like most other goddesses: beautiful, dignified, regal. According to Hesiod, She lives apart from the gods in her glorious house vaulted over with great rocks and propped up to heaven all round with silver pillars. But Styx was also a place—one of the rivers of the Underworld, over which the goddess Styx ruled.
Hera - Mythopedia
2023年4月7日 · She helped assemble the massive Greek (or “Achaean”) force and continued to support them at Troy. In the Iliad, Hera’s ruthless hatred of the Trojans causes her to bicker and quarrel with Zeus on more than one occasion. Iris Approaching Athena and Hera, attributed to Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée (ca. 1780) MiA (Minneapolis) Public Domain
Nemesis – Mythopedia
2023年3月8日 · As a Greek goddess, Nemesis occasionally appears in modern adaptations of Greek mythology. Nemesis is a fairly important supporting character in the TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and its “spinoff” Young Hercules , where she is the executioner of the gods and Hercules’ first love.
Ceres – Mythopedia
2023年8月23日 · The Romans, in identifying Ceres completely with the Greek goddess Demeter, also adopted the Greek narratives surrounding Demeter. Thus, the mythology of Ceres—like that of Demeter—was centered on the abduction of her daughter Proserpina (Persephone in Greek sources) by the powerful chthonic deity Dis (Hades or Pluto).
Leto – Mythopedia
2022年12月7日 · Leto then began her long and painful labor. According to the third Homeric Hymn, the labor lasted nine days and nights because Hera, still not satisfied, had prevented Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth, from assisting. Eventually, Leto sent the winged goddess Iris to bribe Eileithyia for her help.
Hypnos - Mythopedia
2023年1月27日 · Iris as Ambassador in the Realm of Hypnos by Giulio Carpioni (1655–1660) Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Public Domain. Another later source, the satirist Lucian, wrote that Hypnos ruled over the faraway island of dreams. Iconography. In ancient art, Hypnos was generally depicted as a winged boy or young man.
Thetis – Mythopedia
2023年3月8日 · Greek. Thetis is an important figure in Greek literature from a very early period. She already appears as a major character in the Homeric epics (eighth century BCE), especially in the Iliad but also in the Odyssey. Her genealogy is also described by Hesiod (eighth/seventh century BCE) in the Theogony. She also featured in many early poems that ...
Eris - Mythopedia
2023年9月7日 · Shapiro, Harvey A. “Eris.” In Personifications in Greek Art: The Representation of Abstract Concepts, 600–400 BC, 51–61. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993. Smith, William. “Eris.” In A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. London: Spottiswoode and Company, 1873. Perseus Digital Library. Accessed June 29 ...