室温超导:如何看待俄罗斯推特博主Iris_IGB声称在7℃下实现近零 …
2023年8月12日 · 你看a曲线起来的位置差不多就是Iris_IGB所言的七摄氏度电阻突降的位置,280K。 但是要注意的是,升温曲线降温曲线不能完全重合,显示这个地方不是超导,而可能是(一级)相变.
Tracking LK-99 Superconductor Replication Efforts With Meissner …
2023年7月30日 · Huanzhong Univesity and Iris Alexander claim to have replicated and seen some Meissner effect. Berkeley Lab and Shengyang lab have separate theory papers with simulation on how and why LK99 and variants will work.
如何看待东南大学团队在110K温度下对LK-99材料零电阻观测成 …
目前来看,超导很有可能是真的 - 新未名空间
2023年8月3日 · 俄罗斯二次元妹子Iris Alexandra(@iris_IGB)早就预言了,她之前观察到她烧的样本温度越低漂浮得越稳定,她解释说这是一维超导,就是超导成分呈蜘蛛网样分布,只不过合成纯度太低,这个超导网室温下是断掉的,降温可能会促进这个网的断点往前延伸,然后 ...
Iris Alexander Claims to See Zero Resistance at 7 degrees Celsius …
2023年8月13日 · Zhihu is very impressed by the recent claims of @iris_IGB (Iris Alexander) to have achieved 0 resistivity of #LK99 under 280K (7 Celsius). fully agrees with this sentiment. Chinese observers are impressed. Iris Alexander is one of the first to replicate levitation effect in an LK99 Replication effort.
实际上直播手搓LK-99的毛子 iris_IGB,在 ... 来自包容万物恒河水
2023年8月1日 · 🔺实际上直播手搓LK-99的毛子 iris_IGB,在 7月31日就展示过迈斯纳效应图。 🔺所以大家现在更关注的还是我们中国材料学界手搓的验证赛跑,以及更多的测试,比如零电阻,比如XRD。
Thread by @iris_IGB on Thread Reader App
2023年9月24日 · @iris_IGB: The girlfriend is having a carpet cleaning job today, so I won't be livestreaming Kin-dza-dza! to her... Room temperature superconductor time then. Tagging @ATinyGreenCell and @endless_sine because it's R...…
韩国常温超导后续消息:俄罗斯国家生物工程实验室的女博士研究 …
韩国常温超导后续消息:俄罗斯国家生物工程实验室的女博士研究员Iris IGB,根据LK99专利操作流程,特意添加了硅酸铅,目前已确认7摄氏度0电 搜索 消息
Pictures of Iris Alexander LK99 Samples - NextBigFuture.com
2023年8月17日 · Iris Alexander had the first publicly claimed LK99 levitation and now has claimed to have low resistance at about 7 degrees celsius. She is giving her ingredients and pictures of her samples. The ingredients (MOLAR %)
LK-99 / Room-Temperature Superconductor - Know Your Meme
On July 29th, 2023, Twitter user, soil scientist and purported "anime catgirl" @iris_IGB began a thread showing her attempt to recreate the LK-99 experiment in her own kitchen. Iris begins by providing a short history lesson on superconductor research and goes on to criticize the Korean scientists' methods for synthesizing various materials ...
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