IRIS-T - Wikipedia
The IRIS-T (infrared imaging system tail/thrust vector-controlled) is a family of short range infrared homing air-to-air and short to medium range surface-to-air missiles. It is also called AIM-2000. [16][17]
IRIS-T SLM – Wikipedia
IRIS-T SLM ist ein allwetterfähiges, taktisches Flugabwehrraketen-System zur Abwehr von Hubschraubern, Flugzeugen, unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen, Marschflugkörpern sowie ballistischen Kurzstreckenraketen.
IRIS-T - Saab
IRIS-T is a supreme short-range, incredibly maneuverable, all-aspect air-to-air missile. Equipped with an innovative infrared seeker, thrust-vector control and a dogfight optimized motor, you can engage any target from point-blank up to maximum range.
IRIS-T SL Surface-to-Air Guided Missile - Airforce Technology
2020年9月18日 · The IRIS-T SL (Surface Launched) is a new mobile, medium-range surface-to-air guided missile designed and developed by Diehl BGT Defence to meet future medium-range air defence needs of the German Air Force. The first ballistic test firing of the IRIS-T SL missile was conducted at the Overberg Test Range in South Africa in October 2009.
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