Ulex - Wikipedia
Ulex (commonly known as gorse, furze, or whin) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The genus comprises about 20 species of thorny evergreen shrubs in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. The species are native to parts of western Europe and northwest Africa, with the majority of species in Iberia.
Ulex europaeus - Wikipedia
Ulex europaeus, the gorse, common gorse, furze or whin, is a species of flowering plant native to Western Europe. [2] Growing to 4.5 metres (10 ft) tall, it is an evergreen shrub. [3] . The young stems are green, with the shoots and leaves modified into …
Wildflower Gorse Irish Wild Flora Wildflowers of Ireland
Whether you know it as Gorse, Furze or Whin, this must be our most remarkable native shrub. Throughout the year, the rich yellow peaflowers seem to light up the Irish landscape. The 15-20mm long flowers, with their wonderful aroma of coco nut, are borne on stems of …
Furze - The Yellow Flower Of The Irish Landscape - Irish …
2015年6月7日 · With different species of gorse plants thriving in Irish soil, these yellow flowers bloom all year round especially on hillsides drenched in sunlight and along Irish rural hedges. Their bright yellow color is beloved by all, but their green pointy leaves must be handled with care.
Gorse Tree in Celtic mythology - Ireland Calling
In Celtic tradition, gorse was one of the sacred woods burned on the Beltane bonfires, probably the one that got them started. It was a shrub associated with the spring equinox and the Celtic god of light, Lugh, doubtlessly because of its ever blooming vibrant yellow flowers.
Nature Diary: gorse flowers – The Irish Times
2018年2月3日 · With their coconut smell and blueish/green spiky stems, these pod-like flowers are most prolific on mountainous and bogland scrubs from February to May and add strong colour to the Irish...
Spring time Gorse flower in Irish mythology and culture
2016年5月4日 · Gorse, also known as furze, is a sweet scented, yellow flowered, spiny evergreen shrub that flowers all year round. In fact, there are several species of gorse that flower at different times of the year making it a much-loved plant for the bees and giving it the appearance of being in bloom all year long.
Gorse Symbolism and meaning in Celtic Mythology
2024年12月28日 · In Celtic Mythology, Gorse was thought to provide protection against misfortune and was associated with resilience, optimism, and with the Sun, light, and fire. Gorse was used throughout Ireland and the Celtic Nations as fuel.
Wildflower Gorse, Western Irish Wild Flora Wildflowers of Ireland
Gorse blooms throughout the year, Western Gorse blooms from July to September. Gorse has a coco nut scent, Western Gorse does not. Gorse has a blue-tinge in its foliage whereas Western Gorse is a good strong green. Western Gorse is a native …
Irish Wildflowers - Gorse, Ulex europaeus, Aiteann gallda
Flowering time: All year, peak flowering April. Evergreen shrub. Native. Two-lipped yellow flowers, often smelling strongly of coconut. The stems and thorns are bluish-green. Very spiny, the spines deeply furrowed. Young plants have leaves with three leaflets. Height: To 2m. Prefers acidic soils on grasslands, heaths and wood edges.