约 381,000 个结果
  1. Nearly seven years in the making, the Iron Goat Trail officially opens to hikers on October 2, 1993, at the Martin Creek Trailhead, located in King County off U.S. 2 about six miles east of Skykomish.
    Nearly seven years in the making, the Iron Goat Trail officially opens to hikers on October 2, 1993, at the Martin Creek Trailhead, located in King County off U.S. 2 about six miles east of Skykomish.
    This excellent lowland forest hike, just west of Stevens Pass, is named for the iconic mountain goat symbol of the Northern Pacific Railroad, whose old, abandoned track it follows.
  2. The Iron Goat Trail opens on October 2, 1993.

    2010年2月22日 · Nearly seven years in the making, the Iron Goat Trail officially opens to hikers on October 2, 1993, at the Martin Creek Trailhead, located in King County off U.S. 2 about six miles east of Skykomish.

  3. Walk into the past on Iron Goat Trail, a century after deadly …

  4. Hiking History: Iron Goat Trail - alpinelily.com

  5. Iconic Iron Goat Trail: Tracing history along abandoned railroad …

  6. IRON GOAT TRAIL: Site of the Great …

    2012年8月7日 · The Iron Goat Trail near Washington State's Stevens Pass explores the tragic history of the 1910 Wellington Avalanche, which claimed 96 lives when a gigantic avalanche …

  7. Following the Iron Goat Trail: The Tragic History of the …

    The Iron Goat Trail is a beautiful, easy hiking trail found east of Skykomish on the Stevens Pass Greenway. The trail is an excellent example of railroad archaeology as it follows the former rail grade and snow sheds that date back to before the …

  8. A Haunting History - Iron Goat Trail

    2017年8月22日 · The maps mark out the historic mile-markers of the railroad, which are also physically marked on the trail, making it very easy to figure out where you are. My suggested route is …

  9. Iron Goat Trail - Atlas Obscura

    2017年11月1日 · Kiosks and signs explaining the trail’s connection to railroad history and the Wellington disaster dot the trail, which runs along the ferny evergreen forest and offers …

  10. Beauty of Iron Goat Trail hides tragic legacy of one of …

    2020年8月23日 · The trail is dotted with signs and kiosks detailing the history of what was at the time of its construction the northernmost transcontinental rail route in America.

  11. Iron Goat Trail - Washington Trails Association

    Hiking Iron Goat Trail This is a gentle walk along the old Great Northern railroad grade built over the Cascades in 1893. At the time it was built, it was considered the best engineered of the transcontinental railroads.