Irro - Reisen - Taxi - Charter - Linie - Kurier
Ihr könnt bei uns sowohl ein Taxi von Lüchow nach Hitzacker buchen als auch einen Reisebus für die nächste Vereinsfahrt mieten; mit dem Linienbus morgens zur Schule fahren oder Maschinenteile in das nächstgelegene Werk transportieren lassen. Oder ihr …
Where to Find the Best Bus Charter Deals
At Irro Charter, you can easily rent a bus with driver in Europe; or let us plan your desired bus charter tour. Since 1972 our family-run company offers the highest quality in Long-Distance Coaches, Mini-Buses or Vans, as well as a good bus charter service.
Bus rental italy - Tour bus rental (Best price) - Bus Charter Italy
At Irro Charter, you can rent your bus with a driver in Italy. Whether it's a single transfer or a complex multi-day tour, experience bus travel in a new way and ensure that your travel group doesn't just take a bus ride, but has an experience it enjoys looking back on.
Rent a bus with driver
Simply rent a bus in Berlin and your day trip to the Spreewald can begin! Every Irro bus meets our high standards of safety and comfort, even for long journeys with toilet and storage space. Travel comfortably with our Vans and Minivans, ideal for up to 8 passengers. Popular for small exclusive groups, we offer models like the Mercedes Benz Viano.
Bus rental USA - Bus Charter United states (Best
Irro Charter makes the journey for your travel group stress-free and enyoyable Bus Charter USA - flexible, fast and professional! Includes knowledgeable local driver
Irro Reisen | Buche Deine Traumreise 2024
Starte Deine Urlaubssaison 2024 mit Irro Reisen und erlebe komfortable Busreisen zu den sehenswertesten Orten Europas. Unser familiengeführtes Reisebüro hat für dich handverlesene Ziele ausgesucht und exklusive Reisen zusammengestellt. Sei es eine Fahrt durch die Metropole Berlin oder atemberaubende Natureindrücke in den südtiroler Alpen.
Irro Charter | Bus mieten mit Fahrer
Aus Lüchow-Dannenberg organisiert Irro Charter für dich deutschlandweit Busreisen nach deinen Wünschen. Durch individuelle Beratung erstellen wir für dich persönliche Reisen zum fairen Preis. Was macht Deine Reise mit uns so besonders? Unsere Reisebusse mit eigenem Fahrer sind ein fester Bestandteil unseres Boutique-Reisepakets.
Coach Charter Germany and Europe - Book a Bus now!
Coach Charter Germany is your reliable partner when you are looking for a chartered bus in Germany as well as Europe. Our main destinations are Bavaria, the Alps, Northern Germany, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg as well as Tuscany, Flanders, Holland and Cote d’Azur.
- Reviews: 166
About us - Bus Charter Germany & Irro Reisen
Together with the local public transport service Irro Verkehrsservice GmbH has taken care of more than 2.000 pupils on their way to school every morning. Moreover, busses from Irro Reisen can be seen as regular public transport services from Lüchow to Lüneburg.
- Reviews: 361
Irro Charter - Facebook
We are a family-owned coach and bus charter company with 50 years experience in group travel business. At Irro Charter you can easily rent a bus with driver all over Europe.