IS-2 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · Unofficially named the IS-2Sh (Sh = Shashmurin) or simply Shashmurin’s IS-2, it was a complete redesign of the IS. It featured a rear-mounted turret carrying the 122mm gun, large single roadwheels and heavily sloped frontal hull armor.
IS-2重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
約瑟夫·斯大林2型重型坦克 (IS-2), 又稱JS-2 (Josef Stalin 2)重型坦克,是蘇聯的一款 二戰 重型坦克。 IS-2是以 約瑟夫·斯大林 的名字命名的。 [6] 它的出現主要是因為原本的KV重坦系列已經嚴重過時,完全無法擊穿德軍新式重型戰車裝甲,而後繼的IS-1(主炮口徑僅85mm)又無法解決問題而導致。 [6] 在二戰後,蘇聯曾將IS-2出口到幾個 共產主義陣營 國家。 雖然IS-1可以承受虎式坦克的攻擊,但是在實戰中,其火力不足的問題逐漸暴露出來。 [8] 因此,蘇聯的工程師們就意 …
以领袖之名--苏联IS-2重型坦克小传 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1944年4月,苏联红军的近卫第11独立重型坦克团装备的is-2在乌克兰北部首次与德军虎式坦克交手,来自德国国防军第503“统帅堂”重装甲营1连的虎式在1500米距离上首先向is-2开火,由于当时苏军刚刚接收这种新式重型坦克,操作不熟练,慌乱之际被德军抢占先机 ...
IS-2 - Wikipedia
The IS-2 (Russian: ИС-2, sometimes romanized as JS-2 [note 1]) is a Soviet heavy tank, the second of the IS tank series named after the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. It was developed and saw combat during World War II and saw service in other Soviet allied countries after the war.
IS-2Sh - GuidesBlitz
IS-2Sh, Shashmurin’s IS-2, was a proposal by Nikolai Shashmurin for an alternate design to the existing IS-2 tank. Its most notable features where its large road wheels, similar to an IS-6; a 122mm gun in a rear-mounted modified IS-2 turret; and the driver in the hull with the engine situated behind him.
Iosif Stalin II (1943) - tank-afv.com
Unofficially named the IS-2Sh (Sh = Shashmurin) or simply Shashmurin's IS-2, it was a complete redesign of the IS. It featured a rear-mounted turret carrying the 122mm gun, large single roadwheels and heavily sloped frontal hull armor.
IS-2Sh — Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 221, Damage 400, Reload time: 11.79, High damage, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
Is IS-2Sh worth its 6000 gold? Despite that I have Chrysler K?
2023年1月18日 · The sh is only worth it, if you like to buy bad tanks and see if you can make them outperform
The IS-2Sh has come into world of tanks blitz for the price tag of 6,500 gold, with it being one of the oddest looking Russian heavy tanks in the game, how does it stack up and compare to the...
IS-2Sh - World of Tanks Blitz Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2024年4月16日 · Shashmurin技師(おそらく本車輌名の'Sh'は彼の名から来ている)は全く新しいIS戦車の開発に躍起になっていた。 実際この新型戦車とIS-2とで共通している点と言えば、砲口径や突破口としての役割ぐらいであった。