(坦克自创)苏联332工程/IS-2U-M型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
332工程基于is-2m和is-2u打造,采用契形装甲,is-2m侧面,有良好装甲,考察当时的需要,加强了装甲,减少了部分零件,方便后勤维修。 1959年8月经最高领导批准,332工程(内部名称)以IS-2U-M(外名)为名进行研制
110重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-2U, one of many planned IS-2 modernisations : r/TankPorn - Reddit
2018年11月8日 · I thought the IS-3 pike nose was already designed and that the IS-2U was a means to not completely stop production while retooling factories. But it seems you are correct
1 天前 · is-2u坦克的设计历史,100号厂对is-2进行大型现代化改造的尝试 对刚服役的坦克立即开展改进工作已是常态,按原样投入生产的情况少之又少,因此坦克会发生很大的变化。有时,新坦克会使用旧坦克的零件。
110:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
is-2u 型,於 1944 年 11 月研發,擁有強化過的正面車身,其裝甲板配置和 is-3 類似。 到了五零年代中期,此開發計畫移轉給了中國軍隊,成為之後中國戰車的發展基礎。
IS-2 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · Around 102 to 107 IS-122s were delivered between December 1943 and February 1944, and the name was changed to IS-2. The first version of the IS-2 (production name) was equipped with the A19 gun, and production started in November 1943 at the Chelyabinsk factory.
Object 252U (Improved) - Tank Encyclopedia
2025年3月9日 · Developed alongside the Object 252 upgrade was the so-called IS-2U, where the U prefix has equally dubious origins. Nonetheless, the design principles were the same, the addition of pike nose armor layout at the front with major changes to the turret, primarily narrowing down the front of the turret, presenting an improved armor profile.
IS-2 - NamuWiki
2025年2月23日 · Among these, the IS-2U is one of the improvements to the IS-2 that appeared during the IS-2 large-scale performance improvement project in 1944, and was designed by the development team of Joseph Kotin, who developed the IS-6 heavy tank that first appeared around the same time. Only the design drawings remained and the actual vehicle was not ...
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2020年7月20日 · c系8级重坦110的全称是110(is-2u),其实这辆坦克原本是s系对is-2进行仿照is-3箭簇型首上装甲的改造方案。 不过在游戏中,这辆坦克被划分为了C系重型坦克。
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