Not all 642's shoot +P - The High Road
2017年7月27日 · I'd have to dig out the receipt to find out for sure. It is not rated for +P and is not roll marked, stamped, nor etched in any way to indicate that it is. A call to S&W years ago confirmed my gun was not +P rated. When the S&W employee asked for and was given the serial number his reply was "Your 642-1 is not +P rated. It is too old."
The High Road
The Best Gun Forum on the Internet. A forum for the discussion of thoughts, knowledge , and recent news events relating to the lawful defensive use of force by civilians to prevent injury or harm by others, including but not limited to the use of firearms.
Browning HI Power/+P ammunition - The High Road
2018年4月7日 · My old C series, and my mkIII have both seen thousands of +p rounds, and are holding up just fine. For the last 6 years, neither of them have seen anything but my handloads, which are pretty hot. 5.8 (five point eight) grains of Unique under a 124 gr JHP, or 6.0 (six point zero) of Unique under a 115 JHP.
+p in Ruger p95 9mm? | The High Road
2011年3月20日 · Hi all. I am wondering my Ruger p95 can handle +p ammo. I have read around on the internet that it can, but I would feel a little better about trying some if I heard from more people that have actually done it. I don't plan on putting a …
Kel-Tec P-32 and Kahr PM9 comparison (lots of pics)
2005年4月19日 · The most dramatic angle is from the front, although the relative slide:barrel ratios make the .32 barrel of the P-32 appear almost the same size as the PM9's barrel: When you look at the size of the magazines and ammo, though, the difference is clear. That's Federal 124-grain +P EFMJ on the left and Federal 71-grain ball on the right.
SD ammo for Ruger LCR .38 | The High Road
2017年8月27日 · They will shoot high if you want them to be dead on. Also, you need to check for bullets jumping the crimp with loads like the Remington 158 +p lead hollow point. I have seen this. I would try the Speer short barrel 135+p or the Remington Golden Saber 125 +p 38 loads, or similar options. The Speer 135 load has a track record and can be recommended.
Smith & Wesson M&P, very weak ejection | The High Road
2012年2月28日 · Just picked up a lightly used Smith&Wesson M&P (9mm) at a gunshow last weekend. It's for the wife, it fits her hand really well.
Sig Sauer p365 Massive Headaches | The High Road
2019年3月20日 · Example, with the full-size P-series, especially for 1911 guys, most will have high thumbs forward that actually hold the slide stop down so the slide won't lock back on the empty magazine. Kinda the reverse with the tiny P-365. Before condemning the pistol, work with it and have other try shooting it.
What exactly is +P and +P+? (aka plus P info request)
2005年2月15日 · I've been around here a while, read many a post, and learned quite a bit. But I must admit, I don't know what +P or +P+ mean. It is obviously a more powerful version of the said caliber, but I would like to know more specifics, the history, etc. Does +P/+P+ apply only to .38 spcl and 9mm...
Remington Golden Saber +P??? | The High Road
2009年5月30日 · Hi guys I have just bought some 125gn Remington Golden Saber +p ammo for my 38spl snubby. The revolver is a s/s Astra Inox 38spl 2" snubby. It does not however have +P stamped on the barrel or frame.(the revolver is brand new, although a few years old) A few guys have said that i cannot...