"Key to" vs. "key for" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
In "the key to understanding the problem", the part after to is a noun phrase, not a verb phrase. To is a preposition there. In "the key to unlock the door", to is part of the infinitive; of course you …
"Legend" or "key"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年2月9日 · A key on the other hand, conveys the meaning of thematic information. Thematic information would be something like an area being colored in a certain way to identify a …
"Answer Key" or "Answer Keys"? - English Language & Usage …
2017年10月1日 · If you have one key, then it should be answer key. However, when you have a set of keys, and you are referring to the set, rather than individual keys, you should refer to …
Answer key vs key answer? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2020年4月26日 · An answer key is a key to the answers (to a test or exercise). It's usually a copy of the test or exercise with the instructor's idea of the best possible answers written in. A key …
word choice - What is the name of the symbols - and ">"?
2015年6月27日 · +1, I like that this is the first answer to address the multiple Unicode code points involved. However, I think you might mention that regardless of the characters' names or …
phrase requests - Word for the sound of keyboard typing - English ...
2018年10月15日 · An audible feedback provided when a key is pressed. It may be adjustable by the user. This term is mostly used when the sound is generated artificially, to make the …
prepositions - play a role as vs play a role of - English Language ...
2022年8月18日 · She played a key role in campaigning for equal opportunities in the workplace. So if you really want to keep your as instead of of, your sentence will read much better if you …
Why is the term "depressed" often used to describe a button …
@Andy Your comment is perfectly valid, and would be even better if we were looking for an opposite instead of wondering why language is the way it is, or dealing with keys (OP's …
word choice - What Is the Real Name of the #? - English Language ...
2014年4月5日 · 1973 U.S. Patent 3,920,926 The pad provides keys for numerals 0 to 9, while..the octothorp (#) key generates a command to send the contents of the memory into the …
What is the difference between "solidus" and "slash"?
2011年2月2日 · As an additional note, in the Portable Character Set, both symbolic names (<slash>, <solidus>) share the same glyph "/" (UCS: <U002F>) with the same description: …