Windows Script Host - Wikipedia
The Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) (formerly named Windows Scripting Host) is an automation technology for Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides scripting abilities comparable to batch files, but with a wider range of supported features.
Windows Script Host - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Windows Script Host (簡稱 WSH),是 Windows 作業系統 腳本語言 程式 (script)的執行環境。 Windows Script Host 最早出現在 Windows 98,經過不斷發展與強化,爾後的Windows作業系統(包括 用戶端 與 伺服端 版本)都內建了WSH。 使用者透過Windows Script Host能自行編寫一些程式,用以簡化日常工作流程,或製作一些實用的系統管理程式。 進入 DOS 環境(或「命令提示字元」),在「命令提示符號」旁輸入 cscript (如: C:\cscript),按「Enter」出現以下 …
Windows Scripting Host (WSH) 是什么? - Bitssea - 博客园
2020年5月1日 · WSH 全称是,Windows Scripting Host,中文译为“Windows脚本宿主”;是微软的,一种脚本技术;是内嵌在 Windows 系统中的,脚本语言的,工作环境。 在这个环境中,我们可以,以文字的形式,写脚本,并执行脚本。 环境中,还自带了一些对象,同时也可以使用其他,第三方COM对象。 这个环境,使我们可以充分利用脚本,来实现计算机工作的,自动化。 所谓的 Host 也就是指,提供了,能让 VBScript 执行的,一切的资源,的环境。 而这所谓的,一切的 …
Introduction to Windows scripting host – Computerworld
2003年4月7日 · environment upon which scripts can execute on a Windows system. The key here is that WSH “creates the environment” that allows your scripts to
wscript | Microsoft Learn
2023年5月22日 · Windows Script Host provides an environment in which users can execute scripts in various languages that use various object models to perform tasks. Specifies the path and file name of the script file. Specifies batch mode, which doesn't display alerts, scripting errors, or input prompts. The /b parameter is the opposite of /i. Starts the debugger.
Windows Scripting Host Tutorial - Introduction, Usage, Writing …
In this windows scripting host tutorial, learn what Windows Script Host (WSH) is, what its usages are, and how to write a basic WSH supported script in VbScript or JScript.
What is Windows script host? - Mad Penguin
2024年12月21日 · Windows Script Host (WSH) is a powerful component of the Windows operating system that allows developers to create and execute scripts that interact with the Windows operating system. It provides a set of APIs and tools that enable developers to automate tasks, create custom applications, and extend the functionality of the operating system.
Windows Programming/Windows Script Host - Wikibooks
2025年2月22日 · A WSH script file is a plain-text file, that may use a generic ".wsh" file extension. Also, many other file extensions are associated with WSH, and may be more descriptive than the simple .wsh extension. For instance, a WSH script that is primarily VBScript may have the extension ".vbs", and a WSH script that is JScript may have the extension ...
CIS Department > Tutorials > Windows Script Host
2007年2月11日 · Quick explanation of WSH with a simple example. Includes mapping network drives and listing network drives. Includes checking the user login name, the path, and the script host. How to manipulate files and folders. How to interface with Microsoft Office applications. How to use WSH from a command line. A practical example of WSH.
Windows Script Host (WSH) - Network Encyclopedia
Windows Script Host, or WSH, is a language-independent scripting host included with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems that allows administrators to execute scripts for administrative tasks either from the command console (using cscript.exe) or by double-clicking on a desktop shortcut (using wscript.exe).