Art - Wikipedia
Art is something that stimulates an individual's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the senses. Works of art can be explicitly made for this purpose or interpreted on the basis of images or objects.
The arts - Wikipedia
The arts or creative arts are a vast range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling, and cultural participation. The arts encompass diverse and plural modes of thinking, doing, and being in an extensive range of media.
Art | Definition, Examples, Types, Subjects, & Facts | Britannica
2025年3月1日 · Art, a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination. The term ‘art’ encompasses diverse media such as painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts, photography, and installation.
What Is Art? Why is Art Important? - The Artist
2024年8月12日 · – The dictionary definition of art says that it is “the conscious use of skill and creative imagination, especially in the production of aesthetic objects” (Merriam-Webster). Art is essential to society as it stimulates creativity, reflects culture, fosters empathy, provokes thought, and offers a medium for expression.
What Is the Definition of Art? - ThoughtCo
2024年9月2日 · There's no universal definition of visual art, though a consensus has emerged that art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using skill and imagination. The definition and perceived value of works of art have changed throughout history and in different cultures.
The Definition of Art - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
2007年10月23日 · The definition of art is controversial in contemporary philosophy. Whether art can be defined has also been a matter of controversy. The philosophical usefulness of a definition of art has also been debated. There is also disagreement, at a second-order level, about how to classify definitions of art. [1] .
Art - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Art is a creative activity. It produces a product, an object. Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, performing subjects, and expressing the author's thoughts. The product of art is called a work of art, for others to experience. [1][2][3]
What is Art? (Definition, Concepts, Facts, and More)
Art is any activity done by people using their imagination or creative skills for communication or aesthetic purpose, conveying an idea, emotion, or other forms of expression, generally in a visual form such as drawing, painting, sculpture, or any other medium.
ART中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
art翻译:表演, (包括雕塑、绘画、音乐等的) 艺术, 美术(指绘画、素描、雕塑等), 美术(作)品;艺术(作)品, (表演)艺术, 不科学, 技术, 技术,技巧;本领…。
What Is the Point of Art? - Psychology Today
2025年3月3日 · Art is often criticized as frivolous and superficial. Growing in appreciation for art, however, opens us to new questions and helps us to imagine life anew.