IS-4 - 3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications ...
2022年9月18日 · Modified: Second equipment setup, Crew Perks, Commander/Radioman from Signal Interception to Side by Side, Gunner from Designated Target to Quick Aiming, Ratings, Armour Effectiveness from 5 to 4,5, Gun Handling from 4 to 2,5
IS-4 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-4 is a Soviet tier 10 heavy tank. The project was developed by the Design Bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant starting in December 1943. In April 1944 two prototypes of the Object 701 were built. After prototype trials, the design was improved. In late 1944 and early 1945 two more prototypes underwent trials.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
tanks.gg is a player created website for World of Tanks.We are not an official Wargaming or World of Tanks website. World of Tanks is a trademark of Wargaming.net ...
【心得】默默強大的王者 - 祖傳122 IS-4 三卓越心得 @戰車世界 World of Tanks …
2017年6月3日 · 這條線我從6階一路走來個人都給十分高的評價,整線都偏向重裝甲的重坦類型,讓你在推線或是防守可以更大膽的向前輸出。 火力 ★★★★ 砲控 ★★ 機動性 ★★★ 裝甲 ★★★★ 我是以重坦的角度來看這四項數據 (滿分五顆星) 火力 : 相當不錯.
IS-4 - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, WN8 target …
2025年3月8日 · IS-4 equipment builds for World of Tanks. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations.
IS-4:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
IS-4 — Tier X Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 252, Damage 420, Reload time: 9.09. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
What tank is better? IS 7 or IS 4? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年12月25日 · Buffed IS-4 can be a really strong tank in good hands and has better gun handling than the IS-7 but still would take the IS-7 any day. Fast, nearly immortal turret armor, trollish hull armor, and a high alpha gun that sometimes can have the blessing of Stalin.
IS-4:評論、特性、比較 - WoT Asia
is-4 影片評論涵蓋了主要車輛特性及其戰鬥表現。 該計畫是由車里雅賓斯克 Kirov 工廠設計局於 1943 年 12 月開發。 1944 年 4 月建造了兩輛 Object 701 的原型車。
Is the IS-4 line worth going for? : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2023年7月19日 · IS-4 is super strong. Probably some of the best armor in the game on a TT tank. Underrated tank IMO. yeah but grinding stock tanks in this line is pure pain. I think it’s the second best TT Soviet heavy behind the 277, and overall the line is quite comfy and noob friendly. KV-4 is a bit of an odd duck, but still good. ST-I is solid, KV-3 is solid.