IS-2 - Wikipedia
The IS-2 (Russian: ИС-2, sometimes romanized as JS-2[note 1]) is a Soviet heavy tank, the second of the IS tank series named after the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. It was developed and saw combat during World War II and saw service in other Soviet allied countries after the war.
IS-2 - Tank Encyclopedia
2014年6月30日 · Around 102 to 107 IS-122s were delivered between December 1943 and February 1944, and the name was changed to IS-2. The first version of the IS-2 (production name) was equipped with the A19 gun, and production started in November 1943 at the Chelyabinsk factory.
IS tank family - Wikipedia
The IS tanks (Russian: ИС) were a series of heavy tanks developed as a successor to the KV-series by the Soviet Union during World War II. The IS acronym is the anglicized initialism of Joseph Stalin ( Ио́сиф Ста́лин , Iosif Stalin ).
IS-2重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-2重型坦克(英文:IS-2 Heavy Tank),是20世纪40年代苏联研制装备的一种重型坦克。 IS-2重型坦克车体和炮塔分别采用铸造和焊接结构,主要武器是一门122毫米火炮,火炮身管长为43倍口径,可以发射曳光穿甲弹和杀伤爆破榴弹以及穿甲高爆弹。
IS-2重型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
約瑟夫·斯大林2型重型坦克 (IS-2), 又稱JS-2 (Josef Stalin 2)重型坦克,是蘇聯的一款 二戰 重型坦克。 IS-2是以 約瑟夫·斯大林 的名字命名的。 [6] 它的出現主要是因為原本的KV重坦系列已經嚴重過時,完全無法擊穿德軍新式重型戰車裝甲,而後繼的IS-1(主炮口徑僅85mm)又無法解決問題而導致。 [6] 在二戰後,蘇聯曾將IS-2出口到幾個 共產主義陣營 國家。 雖然IS-1可以承受虎式坦克的攻擊,但是在實戰中,其火力不足的問題逐漸暴露出來。 [8] 因此,蘇聯的工程師們就意 …
IS-2m - onwar.com
However, there was also a postwar modernization of the IS-2 which the Soviets formally designated the IS-2M. 2 This is an estimate of IS-2 Model 1944 production during the noted production period. Production continued after this period. Higher estimates seem to include IS-1 and early IS-2 production.
IS-2M: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
This vehicle is a modification of the IS-2, developed from the early 1950s through the early 1960s. Before the T-10's development, the IS-2 was the main Soviet heavy tank. It remained in service until the mid 1990s. The tank chassis, power unit and turret were significantly changed.
is2m坦克比is2-1944型有哪些提升? - 知乎
IS-2M:在1950年代中期,为提升IS-2的作战表现,对其采取了包括在车体两侧 加设外挂油箱及储物箱,以及在履带顶沿 加装护裙 的改进,在苏方记录中称其为IS-2M。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视、时尚、文化等 …
IS-2M - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-2M is a Soviet tier 7 premium heavy tank. This vehicle is a modification of the IS-2, developed from the early 1950s through the early 1960s. Before the T-10's development, the IS-2 was the main Soviet heavy tank. It remained in service until the mid 1990s. The tank chassis, power unit and turret were significantly changed.
Tips for Playing the IS-2M : r/WorldofTanks - Reddit
2021年8月25日 · The gun handling seems fairly mediocre and the dispersion is pretty bad compared to the German heavies I'd played in the past, so I'm guessing this tank should be used only as a close range brawler? Does anyone have any good advice for equipment or other tips for this tank? Would it be worth adding a turbo to help me get to the front of the fight?