IS系列坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
IS-4重型戰車重60吨,搭载122毫米46倍口径D-25T戰車炮,发射重達25公斤的BR-471B穿甲弹时初速可達800米,於一公里距离外的垂直穿深145毫米;1957年更用新弹种(BR472)後其一公里垂直穿深達到185 毫米。 該車使用V-12柴油發動機,於每分鐘2100转时可輸出750马力;其首上装甲厚140毫米,傾斜61度,首下装甲厚160,傾斜40度,炮塔正面最大厚度250毫米,侧面装甲厚160毫米,傾斜30度. 1945年5月制成,设计时代的方案有244工程、245工程和248工程三种, …
IS-4 - Wikipedia
The IS-4, also known as the Object 701, was a Soviet heavy tank that started development in 1943 and began production in 1946. Derived from the IS-2 and part of the IS tank family, the IS-4 featured a longer hull and increased armor.
IS-4重型坦克 - 百度百科
IS-4重型坦克研制代号“701工程”,战斗全重60吨,装备一门122毫米线膛坦克炮和两挺12.7毫米机枪,动力为B-12型四冲程V型柴油机,最大功率750马力,公路最大速度43千米/小时,最大行程170千米。 IS-4重型坦克于1943年启动研制,1947年设计定型并投入批量生产,1948年底列装苏军 [2],一直服役到20世纪70年代末期 [3]。 第二次世界大战的最后阶段,在欧洲大陆交战的苏联、德国双方都想研制在陆地战场上能压倒对方的重型坦克。 德国方面,先后研制出 虎式重型坦克 …
科普一下坦克世界中苏维埃之盾:杠4(IS-4) - 哔哩哔哩
IS-4重型坦克的战斗全重为60吨,车长(炮向前)为9.79米,车体长为6.6米,车宽为3.26米,车高为2.48米,在苏制坦克中,显得有点“人高马大”。 乘员为4人:车长、炮长、驾驶员和装填手。 驾驶员位于车体前部中央;炮塔内有3名乘员,车长和炮长在火炮的左侧,车长在后,炮长在前,装填手位于火炮右侧,炮塔内的三名乘员都有各自的坐席,但装填手装炮弹时似乎要用站姿装弹,这样才能用上劲,而且要用左手推弹入膛,只有在行军中才能坐在自己的坐席上。 从驾驶室和 …
IS-4 (Object 701) - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年4月26日 · Redesigned and equipped with the 122 mm D-25T gun, the tank would enter production in late 1946. Due to major production and reliability issues, it would not enter service until 1947. Even so, the entire service history was plagued by poor reliability.
IS-4 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The gun is the same 122mm M62-T2 used on the preceding ST-I, and while its raw alpha and penetration are the same, it enjoys much better gun handling and a rather decent aim time, as well as a higher rate of fire. Unfortunately, the IS-4 has a much worse gun depression compared to the ST-I, as well as a lower ammo capacity, which can lead to ...
IS-4M | War Thunder Wiki
IS-4M, a small batch of 25 units with some enhancements, was constructed in 1951. Only 258 units were built in total. Introduced in the Closed Beta Test for Ground Forces before Update 1.41, the IS-4M is an immediate successor of the IS-3, and it has even greater armour, making it difficult for many opponents to penetrate from the front.
苏联重坦的排面!IS-4可是全游最硬银币车! _ 偶游坦克世界官网 …
2022年8月12日 · M62-T2装填时间加强至11.5秒,缩圈时间加强至2.5秒. 车体和炮塔的装甲加强. 加强后的IS-4可以说早已非吴下阿蒙。 它也一跃成为“全游最硬重坦”之一,直到现在都依然如此。 只能近战的火力. IS-4的火力说实话不能说有多好。 它的这门122炮均伤只有440,在十级重坦里一点也不拔尖,而且DPM也只有2296,制造伤害的能力说实话不高。 好在它的穿深足有258/340,这个340穿的金币弹还是很好用的。 不过它的炮控就很不怎么样了。 0.44的裸精度,2.5秒的瞄 …
my man's really using the STOCK gun on IS-4 even when the M62 ... - Reddit
There is a highlight several years old, where QuickyBaby left PC at GamesCom and his wife Peppy put stock gun with all HE on it, when he returned, chat forced him to play IS-4. https://youtu.be/HzkAQcj0zkE. This was a fun time back then. This happened to …
IS-4 - Weaponsystems.net
The IS-4 is an early Cold War era heavy tank of Soviet origin. The IS-4 was the heaviest of the Soviet heavy tanks to see serial production. The much heavier IS-4 replaced the IS-3 on the production line. Production figures were low due to the demand for civilian agricultural tractors produced at Chelyabinsk.
IS-4 X - skill4ltu Index
2022年9月18日 · Modified: Second equipment setup, Crew Perks, Commander/Radioman from Signal Interception to Side by Side, Gunner from Designated Target to Quick Aiming, Ratings, Armour Effectiveness from 5 to 4,5, Gun Handling from 4 to 2,5. Modified: Crew Skills : all updated and new 6 skills layout. Connecting to other platforms:
IS-4:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
Soviet IS-4 heavy tanks (1947) - tank-afv.com
These tanks had a 120 mm set as a new standard, that can also provide a potent infantry support with its heavy HE shells. At the time the first lines of the IS-3 were drawn in 1944, the very same team (LKZ) and development bureau was working on an alternative model, the IS-4.
IS-4 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-4 is quite a versatile tank, with a good gun, and thick sloped armor. These are opposed by its somewhat low speed and agility. When armed with the 122mm M62-T2 gun, it becomes a fearsome opponent, capable of belting out generous amounts of damage.
Supertest: KV-4, ST-I, IS-4, T32 and T110E5 Changed Stats
2020年4月16日 · KV-4: Depression of the 122 mm D-25T gun increased from -6 ° to -8 ° (both turrets). ST-I: The reload time of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun was increased from 11.51 s to 12.18 s; The rate of fire of the 122 mm M62-T2 gun changed from 5.22 to 4.93.
IS-4 - Heavy Tanks - USSR - World Of Tanks Tank Compare
After IS-3 production was suspended in 1946, production of the IS-4 began, continuing until 1949. A total of 25 IS-4M tanks were built in 1951. Later all previously produced tanks were modernized to the level of the IS-4M. According to different sources, between 235 and 258 vehicles were built in total; they were stationed in the Far East.
IS-4M | Eastern Alliance | Tankopedia | World of Tanks Modern …
Around the same time that the IS-3 was being developed, the Design Bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant was working on another upgrade to the IS-2: Object 701, later known as IS-4. The IS-4 kept the IS-2’s 122mm rifled gun. Compared to the IS-3, it had a longer hull fitted with an extra set of road wheels, thicker armor on the hull’s sides, and a more powerful 690-hp engine. The low ...
IS-4 – The Forgotten Soviet Heavy Tank - Tank Historia
2022年6月8日 · After coming up against the devastatingly effective German 88 mm guns, the Soviets began the development of a tank that would be immune to these weapons. To achieve this goal, engineers produced the IS-4, one of the most heavily armored tanks ever …
Tanks Reforged: Balance Updates to the IS-4 Line!
In this balance pass, we have removed the original low-performance gun to allow players to unlock directly the 122m M62 gun, which has now received a buff to some of the stats that reduce its performance. The 122m M62 now sports faster aim time with lower dispersion values during movement and rotation, as well as an increased rate of fire.
IS-4 | U.S.S.R. | Tankopedia | World of Tanks Modern Armor - WG
The development of the vehicle was started in April 1944, with several prototypes manufactured by the end of World War II. The IS-4 was mass-produced from 1947 through 1949, with a total of 219 vehicles built.