【惯例】ISBP745 中英版(1/2) - 360doc
2021年8月13日 · 《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国际标准银行实务》(International standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents Under Documentary Credits,简称ISBP)于2002年首次经国际商会银行委员会通过(第645号出版物)。
ISBP 745 paragraph E23: This paragraph should become part of a revised UCP regarding transport documents and also, with an adjusted wording, regarding insurance documents in connection with a requested settling agent.
Now that UCP 500 has been replaced by UCP 600, it has become necessary to update the ISBP to bring it in line with the new rules. Though much of the ISBP remains unchanged from the 2002 version, certain alterations have had to be made. These are essentially to remove paragraphs
单据的国际标准银行实务(ISBP) - 信用证指南 | B2Bers.com
本出版物反映了跟单信用证项下各方当事人所遵循的国际标准银行实务做法。 由于开证申请人的义务、权利和救济取决于开证申请人对开证行的责任、基础交易的履行以及适用的法律和惯例规定的提出异议的时限,开证申请人不应认为可以利用本出版物的规定免除其对开证行的偿付责任。 不宜在跟单信用证条款中援引本出版物,因为UCP中本就默示要求遵循公认的惯常做法。 由于本出版物反映了国际商会各国家委员会和国际商会个体会员所提供的当前跟单信用证的实务做法,本出 …
ICC Digital Library - International Chamber of Commerce
The ISBP is a checklist of best practices worldwide for checking documents under the UCP, ICC’s universally used rules on letters of credit. The publication International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under UCP 600.
ISBP - 百度百科
ISBP是银行、进出口商、律师、法官和仲裁员在使用UCP500处理信用证实务和解决争端时的重要依据,对各国国际业务从业人员正确理解和使用UCP500,统一和规范信用证单据的审核实务、减少不必要的争议具有重要意义,也是UCP600定立的重要标准。 信用证业务的全部内容就是处理 单据,正确审核信用证项下的单据是信用证业务顺利进行的关键。 信用证业务最主要的依据——UCP500在第13条规定,银行应依据“国际标准银行实务”审核单据。 但是UCP500并没有 …
ISBP《国际标准银行实务》(中文).doc - MBA智库文档
The ISBP, as it is more commonly called, is a practical complement to UCP 500, ICC's universally used rules on documentary credits. Although it does not amend the UCP, it explains, in explicit detail, how the rules are to be applied on a day-to-day basis.
International Standard Banking Practice - ISBP
International Standard Banking Practice — 2023 edition is the most up to date guide for the examination of documents under documentary credits reflecting practices agreed by ICC national committees. It also serves as an aid to a beneficiary of a documentary credit in its creation and presentation of documents to a nominated bank or issuing bank.
中国外汇网 - chinaforex.com.cn
첫째, isbp는 기존의 버전과 동일하게 ucp 600과 독립적으로 사용하는 것이 아니라 ucp 600과 함께 사용한다는 것이다. 둘째, isbp의 구성은 크게 예비적 고려사항, 일반원칙, 운송서류, 보험서류 및 기타서류 등 으로 주로 서류와 관련한 부분만을 언급하고 있다.