iSED® ESR Analyzer - ALCOR® Scientific
Compared to the Westergren method, iSED® requires >96% less hands-on time and reduces turnaround time up to 94%. iSED® brings a novel approach to ESR by directly measuring RBC aggregation with capillary photometry during rouleaux formation. Results are available in seconds and highly correlated to the Westergren method.
iSED® Elite ESR Analyzer - ALCOR® Scientific
iSED® ELITE improves laboratory efficiency by providing virtually instantaneous results with a fully automated ESR analyzer workflow. Compared to the Westergren method, iSED® ELITE requires >96% less hands-on time and reduces turnaround time up to 94%.
iSED® PRO ESR Analyzer | ALCOR® Scientific
As laboratory resources become scarcer, it is critical to avoid extra time spent on traditional ESR testing. iSED ® PRO, the most advanced high-volume ESR system, significantly improves laboratory efficiency by providing virtually instantaneous results with …
iSED® Fully Automated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Analyzer
ALCOR’s fully automated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) analyzer, the iSED, uses proprietary technology so advanced that it is revolutionizing the ESR market worldwide. The iSED uses smaller blood samples and can produce more results in less time, vastly reducing the cost per test and shortening test turnaround time.
自动ESR分析仪 - iSED® - ALCOR Scientific - 临床诊断
凭借其技术,ised能在20秒内得出esr结果,而没有传统esr测试中常见的变量,其中最重要的就是血细胞比容。 ised使用定量光度法来捕捉红细胞沉降的早期阶段--胭脂虫形成的影响。
ALCOR™ Scientific iSED™ ELITE ESR Analyzer - Fisher Sci
iSED™ ELITE Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) analyzer improves laboratory efficiency by providing virtually instantaneous results with a fully automated workflow. The iSED™ ELITE requires more than 95% less hands-on time and reduces turnaround time up to 94%.
Alcor iSED® Elite - Cardinal Health
The iSED® Elite produces ESR results within 20 seconds without the variables which are commonly associated with traditional ESR testing, the most important of which is hematocrit. iSED® Elite uses quantimetric photometry to capture the impact of the early phase of RBC sedimentation – the rouleaux formation.
iSED Fully Automated ESR Analyzer | HALOMEDICALS SYSTEMS …
iSED improves laboratory efficiency by providing virtually instantaneous results with a fully automated workflow. Compared to the Westergren method, iSED® requires >96% less hands-on time and reduces turnaround time up to 94% .
ISED ESR Analyzer - 112-00101 - Grayline Medical
Unlike traditional ESR methodologies that measure aggregation of the red blood cells indirectly, the iSED analyzer measures it directly and expresses the values in mm/hr. Features include fully automated, walk-away operation and positive patient identification via internal barcode reader
Automatic ESR analyzer - iSED® - ALCOR Scientific - MedicalExpo
Unlike traditional ESR methodologies that measure the aggregation of the red blood cells indirectly, the iSED measures it directly and expresses the values in mm/hr. By virtue of its technology, the iSED produces ESR results within 20 seconds without the variables which are commonly associated with traditional ESR testing, the most important of ...