敏捷微知识(三):关于用户故事(User Story) - 知乎
总之,用户故事在软件开发过程中被作为描述需求的一种表达形式,并着重描述角色(谁要用这个功能)、功能(需要完成什么样子的功能)和价值(为什么需要这个功能,这个功能带来什么样的价值)。 因为用户故事的描述信息写在卡片上, Ron Jeffries 在2001年用3个C来描述它: Card(卡⽚): 用户故事被写在一个小的卡片上包含故事描述、规则和验收标准,如下所示: 卡片正面: 卡片背面: Conversation(交谈): 通过与客户或产品负责人(Product Owner) …
Wolfgang Iser - Wikipedia
Iser is known for his reader-response criticism in literary theory. This theory began to evolve in 1967, while he was working in the University of Konstanz, which he helped to found in the 1960s. Together with Hans Robert Jauss, he is considered to be the founder of the Constance School of reception theory.
Key Theories of Wolfgang Iser - Literary Theory and Criticism
2018年2月12日 · Iser sees the polysemantic nature of the text and the illusion-making of the reader as “opposed factors,” but both are necessary in the process of reading: if the illusion were destroyed completely, the text would be alien to us; and if the illusion were allembracing, then the polysemantic nature of the text would be reduced to one level of ...
User story - Wikipedia
In software development and product management, a user story is an informal, natural language description of features of a software system. They are written from the perspective of an end user or user of a system, and may be recorded on index cards, Post-it notes, or digitally in specific management software. [1]
User Stories | Examples and Template | Atlassian
A user story is an informal, general explanation of a software feature written from the perspective of the end user or customer. The purpose of a user story is to articulate how a piece of work will deliver a particular value back to the customer.
This paper attempts to give an in-depth analysis of Wolfgang Iser and probes into his Reception Theory in the following seven aspects: the production of meaning; the implied reader model; the functionalist model of the text; processing the text: a phenomenology of reading; literature and communication: interaction between text and reader; Iser ...
Wolfgang Iser as a Reader Response Critic: A Brief Note
2016年11月8日 · Negating the Formalist notion of objective reality and autotelic text that nullifies the participation of the readers, Wolfgang Iser in The Implied Reader, follows the phenomenological theories of Husserl and Ingarden, and formulates two aspects of a literary work: the artistic pole (created by the author) and the aesthetic pole (realisation ...
(PDF) Review of Wolfgang Iser and His Reception Theory
This paper attempts to give an in-depth analysis of Wolfgang Iser and probes into his Reception Theory in the following seven aspects: the production of meaning; the implied reader model; the functionalist model of the text; processing the text: a phenomenology of reading; literature and communication: interaction between text and reader; Iser's...
用户故事(一):什么是用户故事? | 人人都是产品经理
2018年12月12日 · 用户故事在软件开发过程中被作为描述需求的一种表达形式;为了规范用户故事的表达,便于沟通;包含角色、活动、价值三个要素。 概念这种东西我喜欢说文解字的方式去理解和阐述;用户故事=用户+故事=人+故+事,那就是一个人因为什么原因要做什么事,提炼出来三要素就是who、why、what。 从需求角度描述就是一个用来确认用户和用户需求的简短描述。 用户故事在软件开发过程中被作为描述需求的一种表达形式。 为了规范用户故事的表达,便于沟 …
07.如何编写用户故事 - 知乎
故事点数(Story points)就像一种货币,它告诉你开发一个用户故事,需要付出相当于多少的努力。 故事点数使用斐波那契数列格式,对工作的相对工作量进行排序,格式为: 0、0.5、1、2、3、5、8、13、20、40、100。
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