Home - 30th Congress of the International Society for Forensic …
We have arranged a diverse program that encompasses a broad spectrum of topics, from the latest advances in DNA profiling techniques, to discussions on the ethical considerations that underpin our work. Congress Committees.
Posters Sessions Program - 30th Congress of the International …
E-Posters will be available at the 14 E-Posters stations in the Exhibition Area at the Congress. Viewers will be able to easily find and browse E-Posters in each of them. These posters do not require printing or production of materials – as your work will …
Platform for sending and receiving digital posters
Highly portable, specific and sensitive platform for fast-track wildlife species identification. Genetic characterization of Y-chromosomal STRs in Santander department of Colombia. A case study of a male inferred to be of Japanese origin based on Y-STRs haplotypes.
ISFG - isfg.org
ISFG membership includes free access to the online editions of Forensic Science International: Genetics. Please log in to read and download articles via the section reserved for members . ISFG members have also access to the workshop presentations and lectures of invited speakers at the most recent ISFG congresses.
Platform for sending and receiving digital posters
Poster number 113 Research on distant kinship estimation using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism: utilizing the ForenSeq® Verogen Kintelligence Kit Mr. Se-yong Kim, Mrs. UkHee Chung, Mrs. Heyeon Kim, Dr. Su-Jeong Park
ISFG - Meeting
ISFG 2007 Programme and Presentations Photo album of the 2007 Congress Best oral and poster presentations
Posters accepted - 30th Congress of the International Society for ...
Posters can be viewed by participants at any time and on any of the screens available at the congress. During the poster sessions the presenting author will be available in the assigned screen during the time allocated to his/her poster to answer questions from participants interested in making enquiries about the poster.
Join us at the 30th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, from September 9 to 13, 2024, as we explore the city's deep-rooted history in Forensic Genetics, the latest advances in DNA profiling techniques and the ethical considerations in the field.
2022年9月6日 · 阅微基因与迪拜公安总部联合研究成果poster展示. 在本次ISFG大会上,阅微基因与迪拜公安总部法医培训与发展中心负责人Dr.Rashed Alghafri共同展出合作研发产品,吸引众多参会者驻足观看。 阅微基因与迪拜公安总部联合发表的快速突变Y-STR体系验证和人群数据研究 ...
DNA technical leaders and analysts can benefit from receiving regular updates on useful articles and creation of lists of valuable articles in specific areas of interest to forensic DNA casework.