The interferon stimulated gene 54 promotes apoptosis - PubMed
2011年3月4日 · In this report we demonstrate that ISG54, also known as IFN-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 (IFIT2), is a mediator of apoptosis. Expression of ISG54, independent of IFN stimulation, elicits apoptotic cell death. Cell death and apoptosis were quantified by propidium iodide uptake and annexin-V staining, respectively.
Crystal structure of ISG54 reveals a novel RNA binding structure …
2012年7月24日 · Here, we present the crystal structure of ISG54, an ISG56 family protein with a novel RNA-binding structure. The structure shows that ISG54 monomers have 9 tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs...
重大进展!山东大学赵伟团队发现干扰素刺激基因激活的新机制|脂 …
2020年6月22日 · 近日,山东大学赵伟团队在 Nature Immunology 在线发表题为“ Redox homeostasis maintained by GPX4 facilitates STING activation ”的研究论文,该研究显示了 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶4(GPX4)维持的细胞氧化还原稳态是STING激活所必需的。 GPX4缺乏会增强细胞脂质过氧化作用,因此特别抑制cGAS–STING途径。 相应地,GPX4缺乏抑制单纯疱疹病毒1(HSV-1)诱导的先天抗病毒免疫反应并促进体内HSV-1复制。 从机制上讲,GPX4失活增加 …
A Death-Promoting Role for ISG54/IFIT2 - PMC - PubMed Central …
One of the primary response genes induced after an infection or treatment with type I or III IFN is known as IFN-stimulated gene 54 (ISG54) or IFN-induced gene with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 (IFIT2). ISG54 / IFIT2 is a member of a family of IFN-induced genes related in …
生物物理所等在抗病毒蛋白结构与功能研究方面取得新进展----中 …
2012年7月27日 · 刘迎芳课题组通过解析晶体结构,发现ISG54具有一种全新的RNA结合蛋白结构,该结构含有9个tetratricopeptide repeat-like结构域,形成domain-swapped二体(如图)。 ISG54的C端折叠成一个超螺旋结构,可以用来结合病毒mRNA。 这些RNA结合位点的关键残基被突变以后,ISG54会丧失其RNA结合能力和抗病毒功能。 研究中还意外发现,ISG54对于RNA的序列具有很强的选择性,其倾向于结合富含AU的RNA,这种结合并不依赖于mRNA Cap和5’三 …
The Interferon Stimulated Gene 54 Promotes Apoptosis
In this report we demonstrate that ISG54, also known as IFN-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 2 (IFIT2), is a mediator of apoptosis. Expression of ISG54, independent of IFN stimulation, elicits apoptotic cell death. Cell death and apoptosis were quantified by propidium iodide uptake and annexin-V staining, respectively.
Synergistic enhancement of ISG54/ISRE promoter activity with ...
2017年5月1日 · Induction of interferon stimulated genes (ISG)-54, which depends on activation of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF-3), is critical for innate immune responses of virus-infected cells by reducing cell viability through the intrinsic apoptosis pathway.
Crystal structure of IFIT2 (ISG54) predicts functional properties of ...
2012年9月11日 · The first crystal structure of an IFIT protein, the human ISG54 (IFIT2), reveals that the protein exists as domain-swapped dimer and each subunit has 9 helix-turn-helix TPR-like structures 1. The...
ISG54 and ISG56 are induced by TLR3 signaling in U373MG …
2014年7月1日 · ISG54 and ISG56 encode proteins containing multiple tetratricopeptide repeat motifs, which mediate a variety of protein–protein and protein–RNA interactions (Sen and Fensterl, 2012). Both ISG54 and ISG56 can bind to eukaryotic initiation factor 3 and inhibit the translation of viral proteins (Fensterl and Sen, 2011).
Interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) 60, as well as ISG56 and ISG54 ...
2016年4月1日 · Interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) 60, as well as ISG56 and ISG54, positively regulates TLR3/IFN-β/STAT1 axis in U373MG human astrocytoma cells