The ISG56/IFIT1 gene family - PubMed
The ISG56/IFIT1 family of genes is clustered on human chromosome 10 and is comprised of 4 members, ISG56/IFIT1, ISG54/IFIT2, ISG60/IFIT3, and ISG58/IFIT5, whose homologs are evolutionarily conserved from mammals to amphibians. While these genes are normally silent in most cell types, their transcrip …
ISG56 is a negative-feedback regulator of virus-triggered ... - PNAS
2009年5月12日 · IFN-stimulated gene 56 (ISG56) is one of the first identified proteins induced by viruses and type I IFNs. In this study, we identified ISG56 as a virus-induced protein associated with MITA, an ada...
ISG56/IFIT1家族研究进展 - 汉斯出版社
重大进展!山东大学赵伟团队发现干扰素刺激基因激活的新机制|脂 …
2020年6月22日 · 近日,山东大学赵伟团队在 Nature Immunology 在线发表题为“ Redox homeostasis maintained by GPX4 facilitates STING activation ”的研究论文,该研究显示了 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶4(GPX4)维持的细胞氧化还原稳态是STING激活所必需的。 GPX4缺乏会增强细胞脂质过氧化作用,因此特别抑制cGAS–STING途径。 相应地,GPX4缺乏抑制单纯疱疹病毒1(HSV-1)诱导的先天抗病毒免疫反应并促进体内HSV-1复制。 从机制上讲,GPX4失活增加 …
ISG56IFIT1家族研究进展 - 百度文库
本文对ISG56家族基因结构、蛋白特点、调控通路、表达特点和生物学功能等最新研究进展进行总结和归纳。 在人乳头瘤状病毒中 (HPV)中,ISG56可以与病毒E1蛋白结合。 一方面,被ISG56结合的E1蛋白解旋酶活性显著降低,另一方面,大量被ISG56结合的E1蛋白停留在了细胞质,无法与病毒基因组结合 [21]。 ISG56还能识别病毒的2`-O methylation和5`-ppp ssRNA,ISG54能结合某些细胞内的RNA修饰如富含AU的RNA [2],激活固有免疫反应。 Stawowczyk等 [22]发现IFN-I上调的ISG54 …
The ISG56/IFIT1 Gene Family - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The ISG56/IFIT1 family of genes is clustered on human chromosome 10 and is comprised of 4 members, ISG56/IFIT1, ISG54/IFIT2, ISG60/IFIT3, and ISG58/IFIT5, whose homologs are evolutionarily conserved from mammals to amphibians.
ISG56/IFIT1 is primarily responsible for interferon-induced …
This study reports that IFN-stimulated gene 56/IFN-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 (ISG56/IFIT1) is primarily responsible for these effects of IFN. It was shown that treating cells with IFN after infection resulted in an increase in virus transcription but an overall decrease in virus protein synthesis.
ISG56 is involved in CXCL10 expression induced by TLR3 ... - PubMed
ISG56 encodes a multifunctional protein with tetratricopeptide motifs and is involved in anti-viral reactions through various mechanisms. Expression of chemokines such as CXCL10, which induces leukocyte chemotaxis, is essential for defense against airway microbes.
ISG56/IFIT1家族研究进展 - 百度学术
The ISG56/IFIT1 Gene Family | Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research
2011年1月12日 · The ISG56/IFIT1 family of genes is clustered on human chromosome 10 and is comprised of 4 members, ISG56/IFIT1, ISG54/IFIT2, ISG60/IFIT3, and ISG58/IFIT5, whose homologs are evolutionarily conserved from mammals to amphibians. While these genes are normally silent in most cell types, their transcription is strongly induced by interferons, virus ...