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State Wiki - Fandom
ish's State is a series of Minecraft server experiments created by ish where a large number of players are divided into different states, each belonging to a specific biome island. It is inspired …
请问一下词后加ish的具体意思是什么? - 知乎
2015年7月30日 · 放在数字后面,尤其是次数和年龄后面,表示:大概,大约。 例如:fiftyish - 五十岁左右。 放在词根后面,比如放在国名,地名,人 (peoples)后面,表示这个国家、地方或 …
Season 2.5 | State Wiki | Fandom
Season 2.5 of State (hereafter referred to as State S2.5 for brevity) was the fifth iteration of a series of social experiments organized by ish in Minecraft. It featured over 1,300 players...
2024年5月5日 · 使用iSH,您可以非常接近实现该目标。iSH Shell是适用于iOS的Linux Shell,它使用x86模拟器在iPad或iPhone上运行Alpine Linux的简化版本。您甚至可以使用Alpine软件包 …
"Are you hungry"?外国人却只回答了一句"ish",是什么意思?
five-ish. five-ish 五点多. thirty-ish 三十多岁. ish 和数字组合在一起时,含义是差不多,five-ish 的含义就是五点多,thirty-ish 就是三十多岁。 例句: Are you available on Friday?I want to talk …
ish-app/ish: Linux shell for iOS - GitHub
You can replace ish with tools/ptraceomatic to run the program in a real process and single step and compare the registers at each step. I use it for debugging. Requires 64-bit Linux 4.11 or later.
BLOG | 5-ishart
iPad Pro (12.9) Review! As some of you may know, I gave up the Wacom Cintiq Companion (i5 processor) up and opted for an iPad Pro 12.9 for my off-of-desktop... I almost forgot about the …
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is-5这车怎么样 值得氪嘛 - 百度贴吧
正向最大速行径缩圈时候在5.2秒左右,侧向90度在7.2秒左右,(炮口和行径方向角度)。 俯角比430还烂,正面差不多也就一度的样子。 所谓的5度绝对是侧向的。