请问一下词后加ish的具体意思是什么? - 知乎
2015年7月30日 · 放在形容词的后面,意思是:有点儿,或者叫“些(xue)微” - 岳云鹏语。 例如greenish-微绿色. 放在数字后面,尤其是次数和年龄后面,表示:大概,大约。 例如:fiftyish - 五十岁左右。 放在词根后面,比如放在国名,地名,人 (peoples)后面,表示这个国家、地方或者这些人所说的语言。例如:British, English, Spanish。 日语中的类似用法,句子后面加poi,表示有“。 的样子”的意思,看看这个视频, 看的我满脑子都是破衣。 poi的具体用法请参考这里: 谢 …
老外常说的“ish”到底啥意思?_their_chill_around - 搜狐
2023年3月3日 · -ish跟在形容词后面表示有点,也可以跟在时间、年龄后面,表示大约、左右。 比如, coldish 稍冷的;有点冷的. oldish 略老的;稍旧的. We'll start at sevenish. 我们7点开始。 She's around twinty-ish. 她大概20左右。-ish也可跟在名词后面派生出形容词,来描述一个人或者 …
"Twenty-five-ish"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
2017年5月3日 · In English we add (ish) to the end of words to give it an estimation. Twenty-five-ish = Around 25. Q. Hey how many goldfish are in that tank? A. Hm, maybe twenty-five-ish? I would not recommend using this when typing or when speaking it's not used often and considered slang. You would be better off just saying (Around 25) A. Hm, maybe around 25?
How to use '-ish' | English, video recording | ⭐️ ‘ish ... - Facebook
‘ish’ is very common in spoken English, but do you know how to use it? Answer the #quiz question below and then watch Sian’s video to find out the answer and to learn lots more uses of ‘ish’
Ish. [Answer to "How are you?"] - WordReference Forums
2020年8月12日 · If you are answering a question and your response is not definite, you can use ish by itself. "Are you hungry?" "Ish." = I'm a little bit hungry, but not really hungry. "Did you like the film?" "Ish." = It was O.K. It's not my favourite film but it passed the time. "How was the date? Did you like him?" "Ish."
-ish? I'm a little confused : r/EnglishLearning - Reddit
2023年2月9日 · Well firstly, -ish is not a word; it's a suffix that is attached to the end of words. -ish is used to make specific things (e.g. the time "8.30") more approximate. In my opinion it sounds a bit odd to say "afternoonish" or "nightish", as afternoon and night are already quite vague.
“What does -ish means?” : r/TooAfraidToAsk - Reddit
-ish is added to a word when you want to use a descriptive word that is close to correct but not exactly correct. So smallish means something you wouldn’t exactly call small, but is on the small side. It’s usage is pretty informal, and sometimes used for sarcastic or humorous intent. You don’t usually see it in more formal writing.
Ish is tiny but useful - especially in informal English. We add ish to the ends of words to make them more vague, when something is not exact, for example. Ish makes times more approximate so...
When can we use "-ish"? - HiNative
2016年3月18日 · -ish is an informal way of softening the description of the adjective. It's similar to "-like" or "somewhat ~" -- it implies the comparison isn't exact, or that you're not sure about it. "She was wearing a reddish blouse."
"ish"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Yes... ish. (Yes, sort of)|@ohoh it means almost or approximately. like boyish (the character is almost a boy)| It is used as "sort of" or "slightly". So for example: Speaker A asks Speaker B how his day was and Speaker B replies "It was good...ish".