Isildur | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Isildur was the oldest son of Elendil and the brother of Anárion. He and Anárion founded and jointly ruled Gondor in the south, while their father dwelt in Arnor in the north. In the War of the Last Alliance, Isildur cut the One Ring from Sauron's hand, but refused to destroy it. Isildur was...
Isildur - Wikipedia
Isildur (Quenya:) is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, the elder son of Elendil, descended from Elros, the founder of the island Kingdom of Númenor. He fled with his father when the island was drowned, becoming in his turn King of Arnor and Gondor.
Isildur - Tolkien Gateway
2025年1月21日 · Isildur set up his house in Minas Ithil, where he planted the White Tree, while Anárion established his household in Minas Anor. However, they jointly ruled the kingdom and set up thrones side by side in the Great Hall of Osgiliath. Isildur and his wife had two more sons, Aratan (in 3339) and Ciryon (in 3379), while living in Gondor.
埃西铎 - 百度百科
埃西铎 Isildur,又译为伊熙尔铎,是英国作家约翰·罗纳德·鲁埃尔·托尔金的史诗式奇幻小说《魔戒》中的人物。 埃西铎出生在第二纪元3209年(其弟Anárion(安纳瑞安)出生于3219年),是最后一任安督奈伊领主阿门迪尔之子埃兰迪尔的长子,他还有一个弟弟安那 ...
伊熙尔杜 - 魔戒中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限 …
伊熙尔杜(Isildur),是刚铎与阿尔诺的至高王埃兰迪尔之子。 伊熙尔杜与其弟 阿纳瑞安 共同于南方执掌刚铎大权,而他们的父亲则定居于北方。 最后联盟大战 中,伊熙尔杜将 至尊戒 从 索隆 的手上砍下,却拒绝将之销毁。
Isildur Character Profile (Lord of the Rings) - Book Analysis
Isildur was the son of Elendil, the High King of Anor. He founded the realm of Gondor with his brother Anarion, with whom he ruled. Although he was a mighty warrior, he is renowned for cutting the One Ring from Sauron's hand after the Battle of the Last Alliance.
The Lord Of The Rings: Isildur's Entire Backstory Explained
2021年6月3日 · Isildur is one of the critically important ring bearers from the deep history of Middle-earth. Here is his story.
House of Isildur - Tolkien Gateway
2025年1月6日 · The House of Isildur were the descendants of Isildur, elder son of Elendil. The House came close to destruction at the beginning of the Third Age, when Isildur and his three eldest sons were lost at the Disaster of the Gladden Fields.
Isildur | Tolkien Wiki
2020年4月28日 · Isildur is the Third Age High King of Arnor and Gondor. He was the one responsible for cutting off the finger that had the One Ring away from Sauron’s hand. However, he wanted to keep the One Ring for himself, which allowed Sauron’s spirit to live on. Family Isildur was born during the Second Age in Númenor. Isildur is the oldest son of ...
2022年8月9日 · 伊熙尔杜(Isildur)是刚铎与阿尔诺的至高王埃兰迪尔之子。伊熙尔杜与其弟阿纳瑞安共同于南方执掌刚铎大权,而他们的父亲则定居于北方。最后联盟大战中,伊熙尔杜将至尊戒从索隆的手上砍下,却拒绝将之销毁。