r - Issue with loading data from ISLR package - Stack Overflow
2016年6月7日 · It seems that there are two ways to read data: (1) download it and save it in your working folder, then call it or download it directly from the internet (2) when working with a …
Can I load a package's data set without installing the package?
2014年8月29日 · unlink(c("ISLR.tar.gz","ISLR"),recursive=TRUE) I'm not sure you can get around having to download the tarball -- in principle you might be able to run untar() directly on a …
Can't install ISLR package - Stack Overflow
Use quotes install.packages('ISLR').; Make sure your internet connection available. If you're getting package is not available as binaries, update your R to the current version.
r - I can't get fix () and names () to work (as intended in ISLR) on ...
2016年8月16日 · I'm using sixth printing of ISLR, related pages: 123-124. r; Share. Improve this question. Follow ...
Call R package data using Python with rpy2 - Stack Overflow
2020年10月3日 · I'm using rpy2-3.3.6 installed using pip in a Conda environment with R-4.0.3 (from conda-forge) along Python-3.6.11 (from conda-forge) and I'm able to read both the …
R statistics Package ISLR with RProvider and F#
2015年3月24日 · As others pointed out, the ISLR package contains just data sets and you can definitely access those through the R type provider. After installing the package, the following …
Undo Changes Made in ISLR Dataset in R - Stack Overflow
2015年12月5日 · How do I restore an R package dataframe into its original condition after making changes to it? I recently installed an R package called 'ISLR,' which contains a dataframe …
How to save R datasets(eg: datasets from libraries like MASS, ISLR, …
2022年9月13日 · How to extract the datasets that are provided in r libraries into csv files. Faced this issue when trying to implement R related data analysis programs in python.
r - Cross-validating `glmnet` using `caret` - Stack Overflow
2017年6月5日 · I am going through ISLR book and I'm trying to find the best lambda for a Ridge regression model using 10-fold cross-validation. I have tried both cv.glmnet and caret train …
R - How to get/print description of the variables in a dataset …
2021年1月2日 · I have loaded the datasets from the library (ISLR) for the book "Introduction to Statistical Learning with R." I want to see the description of the variables included in the …