Isocenter - Wikipedia
In imaging physics and radiation oncology, the isocenter is termed as the point in space through which the central rays of the radiation beams pass. In radiation oncology there is typically talk of two isocenters: radiation isocenter and; mechanical isocenter.
等中心 - 百度百科
等中心(isocenter)是2020年公布的医学影像技术学名词。 CT扫描时,被检部位的中心与机架中孔洞的中心相一致。 偏离等中心会影响患者的辐射剂量或图像质量。 《医学影像技术学名词》。 [1] 等中心(isocenter)是2020年公布的医学影像技术学名词。
2D-X光图像重建3D-CT图像项目总结—后续补充 - CSDN博客
CT成像基本原理是用X线束对人体检查部位一定厚度的层面进行扫描,简单来说CT就是扫描人体产生多个切片,然后通过对切片信息重构就可以得到人体的详细三维信息。 CT虽然能提供详细的三维信息,但是会带来额外的金钱和安全成本。 CT成像比照单张X光更昂贵,而且如果会让患者暴露在一个数量级水平更高的辐射中。 所以一般在临床医疗中,医生X光会比CT更为普变。 当医生拿到一张二维的X光的时候,医生是可以根据先验知识来理解二维平面X光片中的三维结构的。 …
Pinnacle学习心得(4)Ⅰ 设置等中心 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在布野之前,需要设置等中心(ISO),也就是常说的“治疗中心”。 等中心的原理,是无论 射线束 从哪个角度入射,都会经过一个点(严格说是一个小的区域),这样各个角度的射线都会照射在靶区上。 设置等中心的过程其实是确定了一个坐标系,等中心就像是坐标系的原点,靶区和危及器官的相对位置也就都确定了。 具体步骤. 在设置等中心时,一般先浏览CT影像,找到三个铅点标记的位置(模拟定位环节确定的参考中心),根据三个铅点(参考中心)建立起了一个坐标系,如 …
Isocenter - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Isocenter is an important CT scanning protocol parameter and refers to positioning the patient at the geometric center of the CT gantry aperture. The table can be lowered for ease of getting the patient on and off, and the table can be raised to precisely position the patient so that the center mass of the patient’s thorax is at the isocenter ...
Quantifying isocenter measurements to establish clinically …
A dataset range of isocenter congruency verification tests have been examined from a statistical perspective for the purpose of establishing tolerance levels that are meaningful, based on the fundamental limitation of linear accelerator isocentricity and the demands of a high‐precision stereotactic radiosurgery program.
A formalism and methodology for measurement and control of LINAC isocenter
2023年4月3日 · We develop a framework based on physical isocenter, a refinement of the approach by Skworcow et al. The physical isocenter provides a relatively stable, first principles spatial point from which other LINAC parameters can be referenced.
A novel method to determine linac mechanical isocenter position …
The radiation isocenter is determined as the centroid of a sphere comprising all beam central axes. The mechanical isocenter in this study is defined as the centroid of a sphere comprising collimator axis of rotation at all gantry angles.
Isocenter verification for linac‐based stereotactic radiation …
In order to deliver successful stereotactic radiosurgery/radiotherapy treatments, it is essential to know the linac isocenter position, which is taken as the beam primary reference location ( 18 , 19 ) with submillimeter accuracy during several successive noncoplanar arcs, as well as its precise mechanical pattern during the gantry, collimator, ...
isocenter(isocenter全称)_首页_内特网 - intanet.cn
2024年4月8日 · IsoCenter is a term used in the field of radiation therapy. It refers to the central point or axis around which a radiation treatment machine rotates during the delivery of radiation treatment. The IsoCenter plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate and precise targeting of the tumor, while sparing the surrounding healthy tissues from the ...