ISO New England
Learn how ISO New England is fulfilling its Vision and upholding its Mission as the region transitions to a cleaner power system
ISO New England - Real-Time Maps and Charts
Learn how ISO New England is fulfilling its Vision and upholding its Mission as the region transitions to a cleaner power system
Markets and Operations - ISO New England
ISO New England operates the power grid 24/7 and designs, runs, and oversees the region’s wholesale electricity markets to ensure reliable, competitively priced electricity for New England.
ISO New England - Wikipedia
ISO New England Inc. (ISO-NE) is an independent, non-profit regional transmission organization (RTO), headquartered in Holyoke, Massachusetts, serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
ISO-NE - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
ISO New England Inc. Order on Section 206 Investigation : ER19-470-003 : 04/16/20: ISO New England Inc. Order on Rehearing: ER19-1952-000 : 03/19/20: ISO New England Inc. Order Accepting Tariff Revisions: ER19-1951-000 : 03/19/20: ISO New England Inc. and Participating Transmission Owners Administrative Committee: Order on Compliance: ER20-308 ...
An Introductory Guide for Participation in ISO New England …
What is ISO New England and what does it do? A. ISO New England, Inc. (ISO-NE) operates the electric transmission system or "grid" for all of the six New England States, including Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Welcome to the ISO-NE Support Community - ISO New England
For a complete list of notices, see the ISO New England Calendar. Please login (or register) to submit a case via this portal or by phone at 413-540-4220. Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST).
ISO-NE: View Market Design & Brookfield Renewable Sites
ISO New England, 2019, US Energy Information Agency, 2019. Total Generation 98 TWh. NULL Market Design. How is the market structured? ISO-NE is structured as a competitive wholesale market with energy transacted on a day-ahead and real-time (5 minute) basis. Capacity is sold in annual auctions, 3 years ahead of the commitment period.
Interconnection Process Guide - ISO New England
ISO New England is providing this web guide to assist you in understanding the interconnection process for small and large generating facilities and elective transmission upgrades (ETUs) to interconnect to the administered transmission system.
Electricity - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Wholesale Electricity Market Data by RTO title Annual Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4; ISONE 5-Minute Real-Time Locational Marginal Prices ($/megawatt) for Hubs, 2020