Istishia - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Istishia (pronounced: /ɪ sˈt ɪ ʃ i ɑː/ is-TISH-ee-ah) was the neutral primordial deity of elemental water and purification. While other powers governed oceans, pools, streams, storms, or simply those that had business with the water, Istishia was far more abstract.
依斯提悉亚Istishia | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Istishia represents eternal transmutation that holds a fixed, essential nature at its core. He holds in his nature change accomplished over time, as water wears away stone, or sudden leaps from one state to another, as water changes to steam when heated. He is the guardian of all hidden treasures under water.
Istishia, a D&D 5e deity | Gods and Deities | The Thieves Guild
Istishia is the elemental embodiment of water, but not any specific formation or body of water (unlike Umberlee who governs the oceans and ocean storms, Eldath who has dominion over pools, springs, and waterfalls and Valkur who strives to protect those who travel the waves).
Istishia | Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki | Fandom
Istishia (is-tish-ee-ah) is the elemental embodiment of water. He is one of the four elemental deities worshiped in Faerun but, like all but Kossuth, has a very small following. He cares only slightly for his followers and is almost predictable in his incomprehensible and alien unpredictability...
Istishia (FA) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Istishia represents eternal transmutation that holds a fixed, essential nature at its core. He holds in his nature change accomplished over time, as water wears away stone, or sudden leaps from one state to another, as water changes to steam when heated. He is the guardian of all hidden treasures under water.
依斯提悉亚 - 百度百科
依斯提悉亚Istishia 水元素之神,也是四大元素领主中最不可预测者。 在 费伦 大陆有许多神力的神职关于水。 安博里 统治着大洋和海洋风暴,维尔寇致力于保护那些在风浪中前行的人,而埃达丝 则支配着池塘、泉水和瀑布。 依斯提悉亚Istishia(读作“Is-TISH-ee-ah”)则比所有这些神祇都更抽象。 他是一位多变且充满活力的神祇,他不带感情而又难以束缚。 他提供了生命诞生的环境,而非生命本身。 他提供了一种至关重要的资源,但是又明显并不关心它被如何使用。 从一只巨 …
Istishia | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Istishia, also known as "The Water Lord" and "King of Water Elementals," is the neutral god of Elemental Water and purification. Ed Greenwood created Istishia for his home Forgotten Realms game, inspired by the deity Straasha, created by Michael Moorcock for his Elric stories.
最深的地下城 UNDERTOPIA - 水元素之神依斯提悉亚(Istishia)
依斯提悉亚是基本元素之一-水的具体化身。 祂是费伦大陆上的四大元素神之一,与其它元素神祇相同,祂的信徒数量并不多(在这点上卡署斯是个例外)。 祂对自己的信徒并不十分重视,凡人们唯一所能理解的,就是祂的高深莫测与难以理解。 祂代表着水的基础本质、在漫长时间中转变缓慢的特性、以及水改变万物的能力。 大多数人都无法理解祂那难以常理解释的行动;此外,祂与其它的元素之王一样,都不重视自己的信徒。 依斯提悉雅的教会分成数个不同的教派,但 彼此间 …
Istishia Character in The Forgotten Realms - World Anvil
2021年11月13日 · Istishia, also known as King of Water Elementals, was the neutral primordial deity of elemental water and purification. Istishia was worshiped by Sailors, Pirates, Water Elementals, Water Genasi, some Aquatic Elves, and others who felt a bond with the ocean's destructive power. Calimshan had a number of important shrines and temples to Istishia.
Istishia Character in Forgotten Realms - World Anvil
2023年9月19日 · Istishia was the neutral primordial deity of elemental water and purification. While other powers governed oceans, pools, streams, storms, or simply those that had business with the water, Istishia was far more abstract.