RFC 3398: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) User Part (ISUP ...
RFC 3398 ISUP to SIP Mapping December 2002 These MGCs are frequently used to bridge SIP and ISUP networks so that calls originating in the PSTN can reach IP telephone endpoints and vice versa. This is useful for cases in which PSTN calls need to take advantage of services in IP world, in which IP networks are used as transit networks for PSTN ...
SIP和ISUP协议互通的研究 - CSDN博客
2015年3月3日 · 摘 要:本文是基于软交换(SoftSwitch)技术的发展而提出的,从网络融合的角度分析了SIP和ISUP互通单元(IWU,即Interworking Unit )的结构模型,着重介绍了IWU上实现SIP和ISUP互通的原则和机制,为实现PSTN向软交换网络的平滑过渡提供了可行的解决方案。
IP-based Internet telephony end systems need to communicate with GSTN end systems. Some of the former use SIP, while GSTN signaling is largely based on SS7 and its ISUP “application-layer” protocol. This document describes how to translate between SIP and ISUP signaling.
Mapping between ISUP and SIP, or ISUP and SIP-I, is a complex area with regard to disconnect cause values and this needs to be considered to ensure optimum behaviour for session control. The objective of this document is to be informative, …
ISUP与SIP融合之道:掌握双协议并存的3大机遇与挑战 - CSDN文库
2025年1月11日 · 本文深入探讨了ISUP与SIP协议融合的必要性,分析了技术优势、融合策略的重要性以及融合过程中的技术挑战。 文章还通过案例分析,展示了企业级与运营商级的融合实践,并讨论了融合带来的机遇,包括新兴业务、人力资源转型和法规遵从。 最后,文章展望了未来的发展趋势,提出了技术前瞻、最佳实践指南和政策制定者、行业领导者的作用。 ISUP协议;SIP协议;融合必要性;网络效率;安全稳定性;未来趋势. 参考资源链接: ISUP消息格式详解:各类 …
ISUP协议全攻略:从呼叫建立到释放的高效流程指南 - CSDN文库
2025年1月11日 · 这份指南详细介绍了如何利用海康提供的ISUP(Intelligent Surveillance Upload Protocol,智能监控上传协议)来实现高效、稳定、安全的音视频数据传输和设备控制。 在音视频领域,海康设备以其高质量、高性能而闻名,而ISUP SDK(Software Development Kit)则为开发者提供了便捷的工具集,使得开发者能够快速地在自己的应用中整合海康设备的功能。 海康ISUP协议是海康威视公司为了适应智能监控系统的需求而设计的一种通信协议。 它不仅支持 …
PSTN与IMS互通中ISUP与SIP之间转换的设计 [图]_中国集群通信网
SIP和ISUP信令之间的映射是基于收到的消息类型,通过对消息类型的理解,可以做出相应的处理并维护或转移当前的呼叫状态。 在这里可以用有限状态机FSM (Finite State Machine)去描述当前呼叫状态以及信令的映射关系。 在任何一个状态,MGCF会根据到达的事件执行特定的操作,这里的事件主要指信令消息和定时器的超时消息,根据操作结果进行状态转移。 对于一个非法的消息,它保持当前的状态不变,并且返回一个失败消息。 由不同的状态单元组成了状态链表,根据当 …
Network overload and congestion: A comparison of ISUP and SIP
This paper is a result of a study to anticipate the congestion control needs of packet networks based on Signaling System 7 (SS7) network experience. It provides a comparison of SIP and ISUP congestion control functions as well as an analysis of mechanisms that could be deployed in SIP networks to enable them to achieve parity with ISUP networks.
2011年5月5日 · Mapping between ISUP and SIP, or ISUP and SIP-I, is a complex area with regard to disconnect cause values and this needs to be considered to ensure optimum behaviour for session control. The most straightforward case is ISUP to SIP-I in accordance with specification ITU Q1912.5, Annex C Profile C.
White Paper Mapping of Signalling Protocols ISUP To/From SIP, SIP-I
Mapping between ISUP and SIP, or ISUP and SIP-I, is a complex area with regard to disconnect cause values and this needs to be considered to ensure optimum behaviour for session control and quality KPI reporting. The objective of this document is twofold.