Electing Pass-Through Entity: IT 4738 - Ohio Department of …
2022年8月5日 · The due date for filing the IT 4738 is April 15th after the year in which the entity’s fiscal year ends. See the chart below for a comparison of the IT 4738 Electing Pass-Through …
PAYMENTS: Pass-Through Entity (PTE) & Fiduciary Income Tax
IT 4738 Payments. This UPC is used by electing pass-through entities (EPTEs) to make either an estimated payment (IT 4738ES) or a payment submitted with the return (IT 4738P). When …
PTE tax form (IT 4738) for taxable year 2022, instructions, FAQs and related information. Facts to know when the entity elects to file the IT 4738: The election is made by the entity and is …
Pass-Through Entities & Fiduciaries - General Information
Additionally, a PTE can elect to file the new IT 4738 electing pass-through entity tax, an entity level tax that is imposed on the entity’s total qualifying taxable income (all the PTE’s business …
Complete this form or timely file the IT 4738 to make the election to be an electing pass-through entity for the taxable year. For more information, see the EPTE-ELEC form and instructions on …
Ohio Elective Pass-Through Entity Tax
2022年12月12日 · The election by the entity to be subject to the new state entity-level tax is made known to the Ohio Department of Taxation by filing Form IT 4738. Once the election is made …
The IT 4738 features a line on the form to claim a credit carryforward from the prior year IT 1140 and/or IT 4708 filing. See the 2022 IT 4738 instructions for additional details.
Pass-Through Entities & Fiduciaries - Electing Pass-Through …
The Department has developed the IT 4738 Electing Pass-Through Entity Income Tax Return for taxable years starting 1/1/2022 and later, as well as the Electing Pass-Through Entity Election …
2023年4月6日 · new UPC for the IT 4738 is now available and is posted to the Department’s website on the forms page. If the entity needs to make 2023 estimated payments or needs to …
Instructions for IT 4738 Electing Pass-Through Entity Tax
This document provides comprehensive instructions for filing the IT 4738 Electing Pass-Through Entity Income Tax Return for taxable year 2023. It includes details on filing procedures, …