It (2017 film) - Wikipedia
It (titled onscreen as It Chapter One) is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Andy Muschietti and written by Chase Palmer, Cary Fukunaga, and Gary Dauberman. It is the first of a two-part adaptation of the 1986 novel of the same name by Stephen King, primarily covering the first chronological half of the book.
IT Official Trailer (2017) Clown, Horror Movie HD - YouTube
IT Official Trailer (2017) Clown, Horror Movie HD © 2017 - Warner Bross
It (2017) - IMDb
2017年9月8日 · It: Directed by Andy Muschietti. With Jaeden Martell, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard. In the summer of 1989, a group of bullied kids band together to destroy a shape-shifting monster, which disguises itself as a clown and preys on the children of Derry, their small Maine town.
It (Stephen King) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
It, better known by its favorite form as Pennywise the Dancing Clown, is the titular antagonist of the It by Stephen King. It is a horrific and malevolent cosmic entity that is billions of years old, spawned in the void of the Macroverse, which is also otherwise known as the Todash Darkness.
小丑 (電影) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《小丑》(英語: Joker,香港译《JOKER小丑》)是一部於2019年上映的 美國 心理 驚悚片,改編自 DC漫畫 旗下的同名超級反派 小丑,本片由 陶德·菲利普斯 執導,與 史考特·席佛 (英语:Scott Silver) 共同編劇,並由 瓦昆·菲尼克斯 、 勞勃·狄尼洛 、 薩琪·畢茲 和 法蘭西絲·康諾 主演。 2014年,瓦昆·菲尼克斯對一部關於漫畫反派的低預算電影感興趣。 在決定該片獨立於 DC擴展宇宙 後, 華納兄弟 和 DC影業 於2017年8月宣佈了一部以小丑為中心的電影的計劃,由菲 …
该片改编自DC漫画,讲述了20世纪80年代生活陷入困境的喜剧演员亚瑟渐渐走向精神崩溃,在哥谭市开始了疯狂的犯罪生涯,最终成为了蝙蝠侠的宿敌“小丑”的故事。 该片获得第76届威尼斯电影节金狮奖最佳影片,第92届奥斯 ... >>> 《小丑》是由 托德·菲利普斯 执导, 托德·菲利普斯 和 斯科特·西尔弗 联合编剧, 杰昆·菲尼克斯 领衔主演的美国剧情电影 [53], 于2019年8月31日在第76届威尼斯电影节进行首映 [48],同年10月4日在美国上映 [1]。 该片改编自 DC漫画,讲述 …
Joker (2019 film) - Wikipedia
Joker is a 2019 American psychological thriller film directed by Todd Phillips from a screenplay he co-wrote with Scott Silver. Based on DC Comics characters, it stars Joaquin Phoenix and provides an alternative origin story for the Joker .
《小丑》经典台词15句,总有一句戳到你 - 知乎
1.Are you having any negative thoughts? All I have are negative thoughts. 你有过负面的想法吗? 我有的全部都是负面念头。 2.The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to be have as if you don't. 有 心理疾病 最糟糕的是,所有人都期待你假装自己没病。 3.I hope my death makes more cents than my life. 我希望我的死,会比我的生命更有价值。 4.I used to think that my life was atragedy.
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