Itacolumite - Wikipedia
Itacolumite is a naturally occurring sandstone that is flexible when cut into relatively thin slabs. It occurs at Itacolomi, its eponym, in the southern portion of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The stone is …
可彎砂岩 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
可彎砂岩(英語: Itacolumite ) 是一種天然的多孔黃色砂岩,在切割成較薄的板片時具有柔韌性。 標準產地在巴西米納斯吉拉斯州南部的 Itacolumi,因此而被命名它的名字。
可弯砂岩 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年2月19日 · 可弯砂岩 (英语: Itacolumite) 是一种天然的多孔黄色 砂岩,在切割成较薄的板片时具有柔韧性。 标准产地在巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州南部的 Itacolumi,因此而被命名它的名 …
Itacolumite, flexible sandstone and flexible quartzite – a review
2011年1月1日 · The term itacolumite was first used for a Brazilian quartzite thought to be a new type of rock in 1822. As analytical methods have improved flexibility has been shown to be …
Itacolumite—The World's Most Bendable Rock! - YouTube
2019年3月16日 · Get your Action Lab Box Now! https://www.theactionlab.com/ In this video I show you a special kind of rock called itacolumite that actually bends as a solid rock. Then I …
Itacolumite, the “Gumby Stone”! - Ohio History Connection
2 天之前 · Itacolumite is found in certain parts of Brazil, India, North Carolina, and Georgia, not in the backyards of Ohio. Our sample was collected in North Carolina and donated to us by Jane …
Itacolumite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Itacolumite (flexible sandstone) from Kaliana, Charkhi Dadri District, Haryana, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 93 (3): 278-284. A micaceous sandstone or a schistose quartzite …
Itacolumite, flexible sandstone and flexible quartzite – a review
2011年1月1日 · Itacolumite is regarded as a highly flexible rock for many narrow gaps at the grain boundaries in microstructure that allow a slight displacement of the particles when stressed. In …
Itacolumite, flexible sandstone and flexible quartzite – a review
2011年12月31日 · The term itacolumite was first used for a Brazilian quartzite thought to be a new type of rock in 1822. As analytical methods have improved flexibility has been shown to be …
Itacolumite: The Flexible Rock - Amusing Planet
2021年10月6日 · Ever seen a piece of rock bend? Itacolumite is unique kind of sandstone that does when cut into thin strips. If a foot-long piece, a few centimeters thick, is supported at its …