Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). The Technical Committee of the TOD Standard comprises globally-renowned experts on the integration of land use, urban design and …
TOD Standard – ITDP
The TOD Standard is the definitive guide for understanding, measuring, and evaluating TOD in any city. The TOD Standard is organized around eight core principles - Walk, Cycle, Connect, …
TOD Standard - Institute for Transportation and Development …
The TOD Standard offers a definitive guide for understanding, measuring, and evaluating TOD in any city and is organized around eight core principles: Walk, Cycle, Connect, Transit, Mix, …
be proactive. Well-designed traffic reduction strategies can be a winning solution to curb congestion, generate revenue, and make walking, cycling, and public transport the easiest, …
Publications - Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
ITDP’s publications support our work implementing sustainable urban development around the world. ITDP produces a range of materials for use by governments, industry professionals, …
Complete Streets Toolkit - Volume IV - Issuu
2019年5月27日 · Complete Streets Planning Workbook - provides a stepby step guidance to city officials, engineers, planners, and consultants on creating a city-wide walking and cycling …
Complete Streets Framework Toolkit - ITDP India
The Smart Cities Mission, by MoHUA, commissioned the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) India Programme to provide technical input for the preparation of a …
ITDP India
ITDP India
TOD Standard 3.0 - Institute for Transportation and Development …
Transit-oriented development (TOD) is an answer to the unsustainable, car-dependant, and transit-poor urban sprawl that has characterized the growth of cities around the world in the …
The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Standard (“the Standard”) is an effort by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). It draws on international expertise to come to …