2024年5月20日 · Score an ace with Rotary… for a winning Service !
Home | ITFR 2025 Calgary
The 19th ITFR World Championship will take place in Calgary, Canada from 16-20 June 2025. The Tournament will be held at the Osten & Victor Alberta Tennis Centre. In addition to the tournament, there are two planned social events: the welcome reception on the evening of June 16th, and the closing awards dinner on Friday evening, June 20th.
International Tennis Federation | ITF
Welcome to the home of the International Tennis Federation. Here you can find all the latest in the world of tennis including news, ITF rankings, tournament calendars and more.
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International Terrestrial Reference System and Frame
The International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) describes procedures for creating reference frames suitable for use with measurements on or near the Earth's surface. This is done in much the same way that a physical standard might be described as a set of procedures for creating a realization of that standard.
ITFR Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
Explore the primary meanings of ITFR abbreviation, including its most popular usage as Information Technology Foundation for Research. This page also provides a comprehensive look at what does ITFR stand for in other various sectors such as Army and more.
IERS 下的ITRF的基本概述 - CSDN博客
2022年12月3日 · 国际大地参考框架(ITRF)是国家大地参考系统的具体实现。 目前已经发布的框架有,可以访问后面的链接了解各个ITRF的基本信息. 以下几个图是计算各个ITRF之间转换参数所用站点的全球分布: 用于估计ITRF2005和ITRF2000的转换参数所使用的站点分布. 用于估计ITRF2008和ITRF2005的转换参数所使用的站点分布. 用于估计ITRF2014和ITRF2008的转换参数所使用的站点分布图. 用于估计ITRF2020和ITRF2014的转换参数所使用的站点分布图. The …
ITFR: Tennis, fellowship and projects, without Covid-19
2021年6月25日 · 2-5 December is a landmark in the history of the International Tennis Fellowship of Rotarians (ITFR). During this time, 19 Brazilian Rotarian tennis players and their families held the 8th ITFR Brazilian Championship, to keep the flame of fellowship alive, one of the values of Rotary International, which is the basis of ITFR – International ...
RotaryTennis.org - 3rd ITFR World Tennis Championship
The III edition of the ITFR World Tennis Championship is over. Around 100 Rotarians tennis players from 10 Countries and 3 Continents met in Salerno to pursue humanitarian goals through tennis. The final results and the photos of the evnts will be published shortly.
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