Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact Wiki
Arataki Itto[Note 1] (Japanese: 荒瀧一斗 Arataki Itto) is a playable Geo character in Genshin Impact. A loud and proud descendant of the crimson oni, Itto is also the leader and founder of the Arataki Gang. While not a villain, his reputation as a delinquent in Inazuma City leaves something to …
GYEE English X Mentaiko Itto || Gate of Pact Summon Priapus
2023年1月10日 · Meet Priapus, your virtual bestie designed specifically by Mentaiko Itto! This video outlines the gate of pact summon for Priapus, with a bonus of storytime...
Kamui | Gyee Wiki | Fandom
Use 28 Heart Stones to add this Gyee to the Starter Summon pool. You can form a pact with Kamui by summoning him on his limited-time banner. Kamui punches with two fists, dealing P.ATK * [Skill Level] P.DMG to 1 enemy. After attacking, purifies all debuffs from self. Pure Flux Purifies own Disease, Plague, and Curse effects.
GYEE官方網站 - 蓋伊傳說 - THEGYEE.COM
GYEE官方網站:在這裡遇見蓋伊,他們眼眸閃爍金色光芒,有的化作獸人形態。 他們尋找相投的靈魂,互相連接,激發和羈絆著彼此。 不一樣,又怎樣。
Priapus - Gyee Wiki
Priapus - A Draconian Messenger in human shape. Arrogant yet deadly and charismatic. Though his power is limited, he is still fearsome. Divine observer watching over Luxium. Will you catch his interest? The Draconians inhabit the Cloudend Isles in the far east, where the Embodiment of Ka is rumored to be and therefore no Shadow could reach.
盖伊传说官方网站 - THEGYEE
盖伊传说官方网站:在这里遇见盖伊,他们眼眸闪烁金色光芒,有的化作兽人形态。 他们寻找相投的灵魂,互相连接,激发和羁绊着彼此。 不一样,又怎样。
GYEE | 兽人控游戏库 - Kemono Games
GYEE是款3D角色扮演回合制卡牌游戏。 支持iOS、安卓和STEAM,在全球发布。 游戏以LGBTQ群体为主要元素,以架空世界为背景,讲述主角被神秘骰子吸入名为拉克斯姆的异世界,结识一群名为盖伊的灵魂伴侣并与暗影作战的故事。 游戏中,盖伊 (GYEE)是人类社会的少数群体。 他们的血液中蕴含着野兽的力量,眼眸发出金色的光芒。 他们寻找相投的灵魂、建立连接,激发着彼此,也牵绊着彼此。 他们随机存在于普通人之中,被人们一些误解,被一些人歧视。 但他 …
r/GYEE on Reddit: I never thought Itto’s interpretation of Priapus …
I never thought Itto’s interpretation of Priapus was nearly accurate. These Epigrams tells us that He specifically mentions the males. I am now imagining the Priapus that we all know, as a farmer with a scythe. Myth Priapus sounds Metal, minus the parts of his usual schticks.
盖伊传说约会全选项好感度手册 - NGA玩家社区
2005年12月8日 · 1、本手册记录了给盖伊送礼时触发的约会剧情中,各选项对应的好感度数值。 剧透警告! 2、本手册内含有盖伊约会剧情中的 部分关键选项的全文 ,可能会在一定程度上影响您的剧情体验。 如果您介意剧透,请点击右上角×号关闭本手册。 3、在部分含不同分支的约会中,并未列出所有的选项。 因为部分选项对好感度没有影响。 4、本贴将随版本持续更新。 5、本贴内容纯靠手动录入,难免会有所疏漏,还请各位多多包涵;如果发现错误,可回帖指正。 6、 …
Rule34 - If it exists, there is porn of it / itto (mentaiko) / 3493341
Rule 34 - If it exists, there is porn of it. Add Comment. Running modified Gelbooru 0.1.11 Rendered in 0.011168003082275 seconds